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Show WATER CO. HO. 9 TO IMPERIAL. IRRIGATION DISTRICT QUIT CLAIM DUES. "THIS IDENTURE made the Twenty Seventh day of December 1922, by and between Imperial water Company Ho* 9, a corporation organizel and existing by virtue of tht laws of tht Statt of California, and doing business la tht Statt of California, party of the First Fart, and Tht Imperial Irrigation District a corporation of the County of Imperial, State of California, party of the second parti WITHESSETH: That tht said party of tht first part, for and la consideration of the sum of y321,129.07 in hand paid by tht salt, party of tht Second Part, tht receipt whereof it hereby acknowledged, hat remised, released, told, conveyed and quitclaimed and by these present! doet remise, release, tell, convey aad quitclaim unto the said party of tht ttoond part, and its assigns, forever, all tht right, title, interest, claim and demand which said Party of tht First Part has in aad to all that certain real property situate la tht County of Imperial, Statt of California, and more particularly dttoribtd as follows, to-wit: All of the canal system or systeas of tht party of tht first part, including all supply oanals, main and distributing lattrals of every kind and nature whatsoortr, flumes, syphons, spillways, thttks, deliveries, culverts, aad other structures owned, held, used, controlled or enjoyed by tht party of tht first part, and all waatt and drainage oanals, ustd, held, controlled, owned or enjoyed by the Party of tht First Part, or to whloh tht Party of tht first Part has tat right of mat) or enjoyment, also all roads or other transportation tsars or lines, aad all lines of communication such as ttltpaont or telegraph owned, controlled a* enjoyed by the Party of tht First Part, together with tht franchises, easements or rights of way for tht saae, and also togttatr vita all lands or oorrltvtoa owned by tao Party of the First part, or used la connection with said canal SfStM such as aaajoro houses, it being tht Intention of this conveyance to quitclaim all of tao interest of tat Party of tho First Part la aad to aay aad all seal property and servitudes oaa*4. Ml or enjoyed ay tao Party of the First Part or tt which the Partr of the first part had sal interest or the rights of isjsaasm^ M V JMfS AND TO HOLD the same ^s%^aa1aaaaaaaa% 4aaa\Mal' f%% ^^^ -^^,•^iB^b^^bbb& ^i^sak, ^^^iaB^M^Ma»sa*aaafaaaa^ |
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Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : California exhibits. |