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Show 5791 3793 238 it would be 100 miles or 150; and we began to look for the mouth of the Colorado River just as soon as we passed Piute Creek. Q So that you made no use of these maps in navigating the river? A The only use that could be made of these maps -- Q No, I am asking, Did you? A Very little, if any; Mr. Trimble could mention more specifically on that question. Q I notice in your report you have a section there devoted to archeology, and you speak of there being from time to time cliff dwelling down along the river: Where are these dwelling located -- I mean, with respect to the river itself? A There are one or two small dwellings; in the canyon wall, a mile or so below Spencer Camp, there were some old ruins -- Q Now, just a minute. Were those reached from the river, or from the rim? A from the river; that is where we reached them. Q Well, are there any marks to show how the Indians themselves reached them? Are there any Indians footholes in the rock, or trails or paths, or anything of that kind, to show how the Indians reached them? |