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Show 5613 63 Hite - D 3620 Q Were you there while the dredge was being set uo? A Yes, sir. Q Did you work on it? A No, I did not work on the dredge. I worked for Er. Stanton. I did quite a bit of that? A Boating; river work. And I helped his making his locations. He had several engineers there during the work, and I worked with then mostly. Q Were you there when the materials for this dredge were brought in? Q Do you know how it was brought in? A It was brought in in freight teams from Greenriver. Q From Greenriver, Utah? A Yes, sir. Q And down what canyon did they come? Hanson Creek. Q And after they got down to Hanson Creek, then what did they do with the materials? dredge, rather; the dredge was built on a large boat, and they |