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Show 5685 3692 135 to time? A Yes, sir, I went down there several times; I don't remember just how many times, though, because I had other duties, and there were other things going on. But I went there several times, to the best of my recollection. Q Well, basing your answer now on the Greenriver, Utah, and the junction, what did you learn, if anything, with refer-ence to the character of the channel and of the river bed? A Well, it was a shifting, unstable river channel; and was a very dangerous place to take a drill outfit and a crew of men down there. Q Now, suppose you amplify that statement a little bit about shifting, and tell me just what you mean by that? A Well, it is very to bed rock, for one thing. It is fine sand. The river was subject to rises at the junc-tion of , perhaps, forty or fifty feet. When these rises would come, the river bottom would sour and the velocities would be very great, and it would be a pretty dangerous place to keep the drill crew in there. Q Now, with reference particularly to the shifting condition of the channel which you spoke of, just what do you mean by that? |