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Show 5768 Miser - D 215 3770 shooting off his pistol. He rode up on his pony, and told us that he could not get the pack train to the Piute Creek, be-cause the trail was blocked bu a fairly recent landslide, and he was thus unable to bring any more than the mail. He Brought no provisions whatever. Q Well, right there, Mr. Miser, all the time that this party was on the San Juan River, was it supplied by pack- train overland, or did you have any supplies which came down the river? A We started out from the launching place at Bluff with enough supplies to last us until we got to Goodridge. All the rest of the supplies except those were brought over-land. With the exception of. You might say, the little trip that Bert Loper took from the 13- foot rapid -- one day he went downstream by himself from the 13- foot rapid to the Colorado, to a grub cache there, and brought back to camp a small sack of flour. Q well, did he go in a boat and return in a boat? A He walked. He waded up the river wherever it was necessary, flour was wet on the outside, he said he had sunk down -- |