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Show 239 Led.IL. Led. II. There arefome known Obfervations of this nature : but there is no Aus thor, I think, who hath given us a Syfteme of Experiments upon the EXPERIMENTS Subject: The performance whereof is here intended. The Experiments may feetoo numerous tobe of one make. CONS ORF Orion paring many together; which being thus joyned, do oftentimes, like Figures, figvifie ten times more, then ftanding alone, they would have done. tis LUCTATION How far the Corollaries all along fubjoyned have made this good, i left to the Reader to judge. And alfo, to add to them, fo many more, as he pleafes ; for I make my own Thoughts no mans Meafare. Arifing from the Affufion offeveral MENSTRUUMS Uponall forts of Cela t. What is generally to be obferved upon the Affufion of the Menftruum ; and what, particularly of Vegetable Bo- BODIES ‘x HE Bodies whereupon I madetryal,; were ofall *, kinds, Aviral, Vegetable, and Mineral. Amongft 37 Vegetables, fachas thefe, fcil. Date-ftones, Ginger, S} Colocynthis, Pyrethrum, Hawthoru-fiones, Staphif- Exhibited to the Royal Society, April 13. and agria, Euphorbium, the Arexule in Pears, Semen Mili Solis, Tartar, Spirit of Scurvygrafs, Spirit Fune 1. 1676. Ch.5.Infi.s % of Wine, &c. 2, §. Amongft Minerals, feveral forts of =) H E intent of the following Experiments7s two‘old. The one, to be as a Demonftration of the Truth of one, amongft other Propofitions, laid down in the precedent Difcourfe of Mixture, fc. That it would be a Keyto let useafily into the #252) knowledge of the Nature of Bodies. dO) The other, and that confequently, To be as a See Specimen of a Natural Hiftory of the Materia “ee Medica : that is to fay, 2 multifarious Scrutiny into the intrinfick Properties of all thofé Materials, which have been, or may be ufed in Medicine: for the performance whereof, the following Method # exibited as one, amongft others, neceffary to be infifted =e For what Domsinion a Prince hath over the Moral, that a Phyfician But no lea number would have anfwered the defign of az Univerfal Survey 5 which, though lefs pleafing, proves the more infirudive in the end : not being like angling with a frugle Hooks, but like cafting a Net againft a {holes with affurance of drawing up fomething. Befides the advantage of com- hath, as one of God Almighty’s Vice-Roys, over the Corporeal World. Whom therefore nothing can more import, than a particular knowledge of the Ge- nius of all bis Subjects, thofe feveral Tribes of Matter, fuppofed to be under his Command. There Earths, Stones, Ores, Metals, Sulphurs, and salts, 3. §. Amongft Animals ; fuch as thefe, fei Hairs, Hoofs, Horns, Shells, and fhelly Infes, Bones, Flefh, and the feveral Vifcera, Silk, Blood, Whites and Yelks of Eggs, Sperma Ceti, Civet, Musk, Caftor, Gall, Urine, Dungs, animal Salts and Stones. 4. §. The Liquors which I poured hereupon feverally, were thefe, fe. Spirit of salt Armoniac, Spirit of Harts-Horn, Spirit of Nitre, Aqua fortis, Oyl of Salt, Oyl of Sulphur, and Oyl of Vitriol; commonly fo called. 5. §. Inthe Mixture of thefe Bodies, two things, in general, are all along to be obferved, viz. Firft, which they are, that make any, oro Lugfation. For, as {ome which feem to promife it, make none : So, many, contrary to expectation, make a confiderable one. 6. §. Next, the manner wherein the Lyéfation is made 3 being with much variety in thefe five fenfible Effects. 1. Bullition when the Bodies mixed produce only a certain quantity of froth or bubbles. 2. Elevation; when, like Pafte in baking, or Barm in the working of Beer, they {well and huff up. 3. Crepitation; when, they make a kind |