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Show The Preface. of this Subje€# to write upon; one of the moft No- ble and the molt Copious parts of Philofophy; and fuch anone, as hath bitberto lain uncultivated. And eee you have been very fuccefsfil in your first Attempt about it, in fo many remarkable Obfervations and Difcoveries, as you have made already. I could heartily mifh, that yon would still apply your felf to this kind of Enquiries. You will find that Additionals will come in more copionfly and eafily. And it is not fit, that any one [bould, by bis Super- firudtions, carry away the praife from bim, who was the first Inventor, and who laid the Foundations, wherein the greatest difficulty dotb confist, &e. 2 found the matter otherwife; and that the tee ty were sleafed to engage me toproceed. Whereof entry was ade by the Secretary in their Journal Book, at one of their Meetings, Apri/, 18. 1672, inthefe words: e Society was made acquainted with one nae ee in the Council; {c. That the Bifbop of Chelter had there propofed Dr. Grew to be a Curator to the Royal Society for the Anatomy of Plants: and that the Council bad approved of that Propofal. Upon which, it was Ordered, That the Thanksof the Society be returned to the Lord Bifbop of Having thus fubmitted my felf to the Judgment of many Learned Men; I fawthat my Journey mutt not here end. So that, like one whois got into'a Wood, I thought I might as fairly find my wayout, by going on, as by making a retreat. The Preface. ae Whereupon, I began to draw up a Scheme of the whole Defign. Chefter, for this Propofal, and to the Council for their Approbation of the fame. This they might be induced to do s ne me that it wouldbe no difadvantage Z ps oS id eae matters, which were fo new and While I was doing this, I received news from London, that the fame day, December 7. 1671, in which my Book, then printed, was prefented to the Royal Society: there was alfo prefented a Manufcript ( with- out Figures ) from Seignior Malpighi, upon the fame Subject; dated at Bononia, November > I" 1671. the fame, which Mr. Oldenburge, Xwhen it came to beprinAndof this, entry was made in their Journal Book. So that the Royal Society having now ted, calleth his Idea. a Profpect of the good fervice of an Ancient Member, and one, who had highly merited by his Wor ks then extant; from thenceforward, I look ed upon myfelf to be exoufed. But 5 op foon % after, receiving another Letter from the Bilk of Chefter, dated at London. Febr. 18. 1672. | tound rae Beir sie ce to the World from a double a honity. sae ye ee to mind no though he may have likely for one, than for two, to be ee ae that the fame Subject, being Selene tne are e would be the moreilluftrated by the a : : produced by both. And that, as in ot oe P ly here, the defects of both, would mutual plyed. aioe Whether for thefe, or other acon fe ee ;a; e pleafed to pafs the ean ¢ , ne, it had been very il manne iS a sew therein. expectation their Ace beam nig hadlaid affuming the Defign I i fome intelligible Idea, 1t was fubmitte it ordere thereupon was it fart of the Royal Scciety: and ae it fhould beprinted. |