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Show The Anatom . a Book IV: 15. §. Ifthe fame Salt be predominant, and fome ofits Particles placed, with the Pointed Endof one, to the Side of another, or the Square End ofone, to the Poynted End of another 5 there the faid F7- bres begin to fhoot at Avgles lefs Acute. 16. §, But ifeitherthe Marine or Nitrows Salt is predominant; or fome Particles of the Alkaline, are placed with the Square End of one, to the Side of another; there the Fabres begin to make, not Acute, but Right Angles; as do the greater Fibres, in fome Leaves; and the {maller, inall. 17. §. IN thefame manner, the Fibre in the Circumference of the Leaf is alfo governed 5 the Particles of the faid Salt, being reducea- ble, not only to any Azgle, but alfoto any Circle, or other Crooked Line, as theyare varioufly applyed. Forif the major part be applied End to End, and only every Third or Fourth applied End to Side, they produce a great Circle. Butif the Poynted End ofeach, be fet tothe Side of another, they makealefs. And if the Application be the fame, but to the contrary Side, they thence begin a new Circle with the fame Diameter, but with another Center, anfwerable to the intended Shape of the Leaf. 18. §. AFTER the fame manner, the Aer-Ve/fels may be formed by the Particles of the Acid Salt. Which, without being fuppofed to be crooked(as thofe of the Aer, at leaft the compounded ones, probably be ) only by applying the leffer Side of one, to the greater Side of another, will alfo be reduced to any either Gércular or Spiral Line. Andfo,likewife, for the production of the winding Fibres,which com~ pofe the Bladders of the Pith and other Parenchymous Parts ofa Plant. 19. §. THE ANATOMY OF FLOWERS, PROSECUTED With the bare BYE; And with the MICROSCOPE: Read before the Royal Society, Novemb, 9. 1676; Thusdoth Nature every where yeoueteciv. For what She ap- pears in Her Works, She muft needsbe alfo in their Cau/és. The SECOND PART. By NEHEM#AH G REW MD. Fillow of th ROYAL 5.0 C LBZ 7, COLLEGEof PHYSICIANS. and ofthe Printed by W. Rawlins, 1683, Dd |