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Show Led. IL with several Menfiruums. Minerals mixed Le& IL. 3. §, the Tartareous part ofthe Urine 5the events following the mixture here- of with the aforefaid Sa/ts, being quite contrary ; as willbe feen in the Laft Chapter. 23. §. Spirit of Scurvy-grafs maketh no Luctation with any Acid. Hence (as from a former Experiment was above-noted ) it feems, That there may bea kind of volatile Salt, which is neither acid, nor alkaline 5 fach asthis of Scuraygra/s and other like Plants feems to be: yet Earths themfelves, one making a great Effervefcence, another none at all. mency. Hence we mayconceive the reafon of the fudden accefs of an acute Difeafe, and ofits Crifis. Thefenot beginning gradually with the Caufe; but then, when the Café is arrived unto fuch an anh, OF fucha certain Proportion, as isneceflary to bring Nature to the con- Andthefe mayferve for Examples upon Vegetables. upon ( Vegetables; I next proceed to Minerale which for fome orders fake, I thall diftribute into five \yayl Or fix forts, fc. Earths, Stones Ores and Metals é v2: S$. Barf for Earths. Oyl of Vitriol upon v4 z a So that it feems to be nothing elfe but a Vitriolick Bole. Asis alfo argued from its tafte, which is plainly acid, and fomewhat rough. Whence alfo it iswith good reafon given upon any inward Bruifes. Becaufe by coagulating the Blood, it prohibits its too copious afflux into the affected part. Yet being but gentlyaftringent, and fo the Coagulationsit makes, not great 5 they are likewife well enough carried offfrom the fame part in the Circulations by both which meansan Inflammation may beeither prevented,or the better over-ruled. 5. §. Lapis Hematites maketh no Effervefcence atall either with Al halies or Acids. 6. §. Powderof the green part of a Magnet with Oyl of Vitriol maketh fome few bubbles, yet not viftble without aGlafs. But the powder of the black part of a Magnet, which is the faidftone fully perfed, ftirreth not with any acid. Neither doth the calcined Magnet. Hencethere is fome confiderable difference betwixt Jroz and the Magwet. 7- §. Lapis Lazuli, with Oil of Vitriol, and efpectally with Spirit of Nitre, maketh a confpicuows Bullition, Henceits Cathartick virtue lyeth in an Alkaly. For whichreafon it is alfo appropriate, in like manner as Steel, to the cure of Hypochondriacal Affedtions 3 originated from fome kind of fermenting Acid. 8. Ojteocolla, with Spirit of Nitre maketh yet a greater Effervefcence. Howit comes to befo great a knitter of broken Bones, as it is reputed, is obfcure. It feemeth, that uponits folution by a Nitrows Acid inthe body 5 it is precipitated upon the broken part, and fo becomesa much alike. What may be obferved of MINERALS. || Sulphurs, and Salts. And firft, Irifh Slat, with Spirit of Harts. kind of Cezext thereto. g. §. Lapis Tuthie, with spirit of Nitre, maketh an Effervefcence Cer are given feveral Inftances of tryal Next for Stones. horn, maketh a fmall, yet vifible Bullition: and it prefently ceafeth. acid Scurvy. 24. §. Reéfified Spirit of Wine, both with Spirit of Nitre, and with Oil of Vitriol, feverally, maketh a tittle Ludation. Which argues, that thereis contained, even in this Spirit, fome portion ofa volatile Alkaly. 25. §. Spirit of Wine, and double Aqua fortis, as the firongeft is called, make an effervefcence fo vehement, as plainlyto boil. 26. §. Befides the vehemency hereof, there is another Surprising circuntftance. For whereasall other Liquors which make an Effervefcence together, will do it in any proportion affigned, although but one drop toa thonfand: thefe two, fc. rectified Spirit of Wine and Aqua fortis, re quire a certain proportion the one to the other. Forif, fuppofe, into fix drops of Spirit of Wine you put but two or three of Aqua fortis, they flir no more than if you put in fo much Water: but drop in about fever or eight drops of Aqua fortis, andthey prefently boil up with wery great vebe- a Whereto thofe that ufe them, are to have regard. 4. §. contrary toan acid; as experience fhews in their efficacy againft the teft. Aguafortis, and Oyl of Vitriol being pouredfeverally upon ano- ther fealed Earth, which was vended by the name of Terra Lemnias they both made a very confiderable Effervefcence herewith. Whenceit appears, That there is no {mall difference in the nature, and therefore the operas tion of Bolus Armena and Terra Lemnia. As alfo, betwixt the fealed Fallers Earth, doth not ftir it, or canfe the leaft |) Bullition. Nor upon yellow Oker. Nor upon the ~. Oker which falls from green Vitriol. The fame Oy! of Vitriol and Spirit of Harts-Horn poured feveral ly upon Bolus Armena of two kinds, and upon one kind of Terra figillata , ftir none of hem. Hence Bolus's are the Beds, or as it were, the Materia prima, both of opacous Stones, and aetals into which the faid Bolus's are tranfmuted, by being concentred with divers kinds ofSalts and Sulphursy which fucceflively flow in upon them. 2.8; And with Oyl of Vitriol very confiderably. But Lapis Cala- minaris with Oyl ofVitriol growsflark; as the powder of Alabafter doth with water. With Spirit of Nitre it maketh a little Bullition, and quickly. But with Aquafortis, agreat ones beyond any of the Stones above named. Hence both Tuity and Calamy are Ophthalmicks from their Alkaly. Which is alfo confirmed, fromthe efficacy of fome Alfalies of the like ufe, Hence alfo Calamy {eemeth to partake fomewhat of the nature of Silver : as by tryal made upon that alfo, will hereafter better apear. * 10. §. Chalk and Oil of Sulphur or Vitriol make as flrong an Effer- wefcence as any ofthe reft. Whenceit is fometimes well ufed again{t a Cardialgia. 11. §. Whiting makes as great an Effervefcence as Chalk, So that it fcems thefaline parts are not _wafhed away with the water, wherein the Chalk, for the making of Whiting, is diflolved. Oo 2 |