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Show The Colours of Plants. other Part, whichis Lea. V. d A not fo fufceptive, and hath been tinétur'dalready. All the ftrange varieties in Carzations, Tulips, and other Flowers are nis Way. cea The other Rule is, To change the Soyl, or frequently to tranfplant from one Bed to another. By which means, the Plant, is as it were, fuperimpregnated with feveral Tindures , which are prolifick of feveral Colours; which wayis taken for Roots and Stips. 29.1 §iiihe confideration whereof, and ofthe foregoing Experiments, may dire& us not only in changing the Bed, but alfo in compounding the Soyl, as by mixing fuch and fuch Salts, orBodies impreg- nated with fach Salts, I fay by mixing thefe Bodies in fuch a_proportion, with the Soy, as althoughthey have no Colour in themfelves, yet may be effectual to produce a great variety of Colours in the Plants they nourith ; fupplying the Plazts with fuch Tindiures, as fhall concur with the Aer, to ftrike or precipitate their Su/phur into fo manyfeveral Colours, after the manner above explicated: and fo to bring even DISCOURSE OF THE DIVERSITIES and CAUSES LASS Natures Art of Painting, ina great part, into our own power. PLANTS Read before the Royal Society, March 25. 1675. Gye taylk Of the feveral Sorts of SIMPLE and COMPOU Nz DED Tatts; and the DEGREES of both. SMO H AV formerly publithed fome Notes, concern- eee ing Tuffs. J eG Since then, I have made other Od/erva- & Vid tions upon the fame Subject: and thefe have pro- fR *D duced further Thoughts. 1 will fumm up all in give- ° 68. & " ingan account, Firlt, of the Diverfities; and then, pony ne - ofthe Caufes of Ta/ts, chiefly in Plants. 2. §. The Diverfities of Ta/ts are fo many, and it feemeth ftrange, to fee the matter treated of both by Philofophers and Phyficians, with fo much feantnefs and defect. Forthe Sabje& is not barren, but yieldeth much andpleafant Variety. And doth alfo appear to be of great import unto Medicine. Befides, it is prepofterous to difcourfe of the Caxfes of Tafts, before we have taken an account of their Diverfities ; Whereof thereforeI (hall inthe firft place, exhibit the following Scheme, 3. $ |