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Show eeeaicerae The Contents. G EAP, eVi. Of the Seed in its State of Generation. Hat ‘bere further obferved, not in the Firft Chapter, §.1. Cafe, its Figures, 2. Surface, 4. And Mucilages, 5. The outer Coat, its Figures, 3. The Various The nature of the outer Coat, 6. Its Apertures, 7. Next to which the Radicle ufnally placed, 8. The Original ofthe Outer Coat, 9. The Original of the Inner, 10. Its Nature, 11,12. The Effential Parts of aPlant, 13,14. The Colliquamentum hereiv, 16. The Secondine, 15. The Navel. Fibres, 17. Inthe Gene- ration of the Seed, the Sap fir? prepared in the Seed-Branch, 18, 19. Next in the inner Coat, 20. With thehelp of the Outer, 21,22. ANATOMY The uje OF of the Secondine, 23. Ofthe Ranulets of the Seed-Branch, 24. Oftheir Inofculation, 25. 26, tothe end. How the Colliquamentum becometh a Parenchyma, PLANES: BEGUN. a General Account of Vegetation, Bip Jed rf] rounaed thereupon. Seed in its State of J Vegetation. 5 Gx ae WK EING to fpeak of Plazts s and, as far as Infpection, and confequent Reafon, may conduct, to enquire into the vifible Con/titutions,and Ofes of their feveral Parts > I choofe that Method, which,to the beft advantge, mayfuit with what we have to fay hereon. And that is the Methodof Nature her felf; . in her continuedSeries of Vegetations 5 proceeding from the seed fown, to the formation of the Root, Trunk, Branch, Leaf, Flower, Fruit, and lat ofall, ofthe seed alfo tobe fon again; all which, we fhall, in the fame order, particularly {peak of. 26," Effential Conftitutions of the faid Parts are inall Plants the fame: But for Obfervation, fome are more convenient; in which] thall chiefly inftance. Andfirft ofall, for the Seed, we choofe the great Garden-Bean. / G 3. |