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Show The Preface. \ The Preface jection in my way, That the firft projectors feldome bring their bufinefs to any good end: yet Lalfo knew, That if Menfhould ftay for an Examplein everything ; nothing extraordinary would ever be done. of the faid Society, the following Order was made, and entred in their Council-Book with this Date, and Saas |danRio But notwithftanding the reafonablenefs of the Defign; yet I did not forget, that, in refpect of the Undertaker, there might be Impar congreffus. And theréfore, before I had ventured veryfar, inthe Year 1668, J imparted it to my Brother-in-Law, the Learned “Dr. Henry Samplon, now Fellow of the Colledge of Phyfi- cians in London. Who, not only very well liked the fame; but alfo excited me toa vigorous and accurate profecution ofit. Whichhedid, partly, by mentioning a verypertinent paflage of Dr. Glifon, in the Preface to in thefe words: My 111671. Then was Licenfed Dr. Nehemjah Grew’s Book , Entitwed, The Anatomy of Vegetables begun; together with an account of Vegetation grounded thereupon. And Orderedto be Printed by the Printer to the Royal Society. his Book de Hepate, (a) which! had notthen read. Plante quoque in hune cenfum(fc, Anatomicum) veniunt ; varia enim Partiumtextura, (9 differentiis conflant : ¢ pro- culdubio, ex acurata earundem diffettione, utiles valde obfer- vationes nobis exurgerent: praflaretque in illis ( inferioris licet ordinis ) rebus examinandis operam impendere, quam in tranfcribendis ut {epefit,aliorum laboribus, inutiliter atatem tranfigere. Quippe hoc patto, ignavarum apum more, aliena duntaxat alvearia expilamus,nibilque bono publico adjicim us. Hereupon, I was obliged to fend the Book to the Prefs. And upon the 9% of November following in the fame Year 1671, when it was near being printed, my Lord Brouncher figned the forementioned Order: the Printer, whofe Name was to be inferted therein, not having received his Diploma ull that time. The Book being quickly after printed off ; I ordered it to be Prefented to the Royal Society ; which was accordingly done at one of their Meetings Decem- After Ihad finithed the Fir? Book, that I might know the fenfe alfo of other Learned Men, whetherthe {teps Thad already taken, would warrant me to proceed any Chefter ; who waspleafed to fignifie his acceptance there- who, in the Year 1670, communicated the fame Mr. Oldenburge , then Secretary to the Royal Societyto : Society: part whereof, in regard it relates to matter of further: I put fome part of it into the fame Hand; andafter he hadreadit over, it was, upon his motion, de- livered to that excellent Perfon Dr. John Wilkins then Bifbop of Chefter; who producedit at a Meeti ng ofthe Royal Society, and defired, they might fee-the reft. Which, orthegreate ft part, being alfo prefented to.them,the Right Honourable the Lord Vicount Brouncker,.t hen Prefident ot the Royal Society, was pleafed to perufe the fame. Prefently, after which, at a Mecting, of the Council ol ber 7, 1671. And alfo to be fent to the Bifhop of of by a Letter dated at Che/ter, December 26th 1671. nowfiled amongtt others in the Cuftody of the Royal Fact, I hall hererecite. Sir, I did yefterday receive your Book ; and am very fenfible ofthe Honour you have done me in the Dedication of it. You was very bappy in the choice a2 of |