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Show 260 Lixivial Salts ofPlants. Led. Ill. Lea. IV. Scammonyyields Two Scruples of Cap, Mort. of which, about halfa Scruple is Salt. : Gutta Gamba yields but half'a Scruple of Cap. Mort. of which four orfive Grains are Salt. So that confidering the Dofe of any Cathartich Gumm, the quantity of the Fixed Alkuly, is extream {mall with refpect tothe Volatile parts : In which, therefore, its Crthartick Power dothchiefly refide. Yet none of the Cathartich Gumms are without fome portion, more A DISCOURSE or lef, of a Fixed Alkgly ; though fome of the reft are. Which feemeth to prove, That the Fixed it felf, hath fome Intereft in the bufinefs of Purgation: as by being a Clog to the Volatile, and fo preventingits being deleterious 5 or fome other way. Concerning the But the manneroftheir Ope- ration will better be underftood, when the Volatile Parts have likewife been examined. It may alfo be of good import, to know, what different quantities of Su/t, are afforded bythe Tartars of all forts of Wines Whereby, partly, as well as by the quantity of the Tartar, we may be enabled the better to judge of the Nature of Vines. ESSENTIAL and MARINE Salts of Plants. Read before the Royal Society, December 21. 1676. CHAE In which is fhewed the way of making both an ESS E N= TIAL and a MARINE Salt, out of the LIXI VIAL Salt of a Plant. WP? OMETIME fince, I took the boldnefs to pre4 fent my thoughtsto this Honourable and Learned Bodyin a Difcourfe concerning Mixture. Wherein I have endeavoured to lay fuch a Foundation, as might hereafter reduce the Doéfrine hereofto Experienceand Praéfife; and to demonftrate,the Power — * and Uf of ArtificialMixture. And in further proof of what is therein afferted, I have fince made a continuation of Experiments upon the fame Subject, inTwo Methods. One in the Mixture of feveral Menftruums, both Acid and Alkaline, with all Sorts of Bodies, The Other, bycalcining them, or, as it were, m#xéng them with the Fire. 2. g. Ifhall now proceed toa Third, whichis, the miximg them with the Aer or expofing them to it; another of Natures grand Mez- firnums 5 which goes fometimes further than the Fire it felf, in the di folution |