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Show The Anatomy _ Book |. ig BookIL. of Roots. v3 s. In Beet, they ftand in feveral Rings ; and every Ring, sm SG “In Ca afry, the Rays and Rings are feparate; thofe EBSCO ee re i >Centre. In Dandelion, they{tand altoTab. 8,9. ftand wee awe is a af gether, and make a Tretle twee rhe Center it lf In Geraniunr, , * lie St oy what é a little Thred, in the fame and others of Se Gea nt nd ing Threds, place. And in on , % : “ tt nd in almoft near the Centre. parallel Lines. In ta a E m rs hoaen Piowe 5 ‘divided in the {maller part of the arly. i wile fant but Winding theyftand neither in Radiated, nor e, oa F ahha is Spiral. As Lines. And in Borage the ar e Br unttnofim ay Horfelikewife, fometimes, in Mev),St shez whan aitel in Rays; yet Radih, they ftand pros ecniene oa Sa et ai otter dif their feveral Conjugations, are radiated : ; ferences. : na (RE Glaralehewone e e e - capt tegdi ont a in the Root, ise to be comput ede are R By . one aes a be e oe eae ea vie, Bore of thefe Ve(fele | ethan the Oe ree: on ae as Fo : o ing greater than that of the Lignous m 7 ca by For if you take the Roots of Vine, Fenil, Becel wee Rp dsNes, eee der, Willow, &c. and Jay them by, for fome time, to dry ; and then, having i cut offoff a very Dy thin Eve.Slice tranfver { of each hel iohe ; if aaa you hold erefely uph one throug thofe Slices before your Eye, fo as the Lig are Mae ent both the faid Vefels, they hereby become vifible, as notablyd ifferent, bo : 14. eR ie itful and §. e but undece tion of both Z their :accurate Obferva ; ‘ i “ay Number, and Size, muft be made by the Microfcope 5 and fo oer appear to be much more various. in Biftort, Leveety bit ne few 5 in Beet, VELY Tae pee ee panes Great CDndine grees; asin Orpine, ee ee S ca Size a foneise 2 Peony, 2 Fa iota? fort,Valerian Piet a biie Prete PAU oo Saar y, ? ed sl ke 2 asin Afparagus, Buglofs, Vine, . They are alfo of feveral Sizes Oe and the fame Numerical Root; but in fome, are lefs varied; epic i lium non bulbofum, Afparagus, Bughfss in others, more, as in Bryony, 1s © Lovage. Among(t all Roots, they vary by about Twenty Degree me 37. as by comparing the Roots of Vine, Thorn-Apple, Bryony, Lovages 5 Fewil, Wild Carrot, , Saxifrage, Parfiey, Peony, Hore-hound, Cinguefoyl, Strawberry, &c. together, may be feen. Some of thofe in the se being of the greateft Size 5 appearing through: a good Glafs, at leaf one Third of an Inch in Diametre: thofe in Stramberry, and that Kind, of the fmalleft; moft of them appearing, in the fame Glafi, no bigger, than to admit the poynt ofa {mall Pin, accordi ng to the Standard, inTzb. 12. Sce alfo the Figures of fo many of them as are drawn. inthe freth Slicesof thefe Roots; but after they have layn bya while,at i Se by a good Glufs, Clear Light , and {teddy View, ate difeerna- 5 16. §. i ‘ ; rt rf E P He Ae ; i e At : b In fome Roots, the greater ofthele Vefels tand in or next the Centre, asin Taraxacum, or Dandeli ons in others next the circums Ig ae aon ae epee Lie Pincay - whiter Rae paP m Jerufalem in Buglofs, Tab..11, 14, So that the 15, 17being taken together, bear to thofe ofFerufalem Artichoke, maybe, at leaft, as Fifty, toOne. Ofthe f{malleft Kinds, as thofe of Conquefo yl, Ferufalem Arti+ choke, and the like; It istobe noted, That they are fcarce evet vifible te Read Three Htele Wedge s, with their ae neue Risn in the Centre. In Cinguefoyle, me seiilie’ Rowtrck Ouk in three Conjugations, triangul 15. §. In fome Roots, they are Small, and Few 5 as Artichoke 3 in others Small, but Many, asin Horfe-R adifh: they are Great, but Few; in the Vine, Great and Many. proportion, which thofe ofa Vine, their Numbe r and Size , ference, as in Horfe-Radifo. Sometimes eachofthém is from ofe éndof the Root to the other, ofa mere equal Size, or more Cylindrical, as in Marfo-mallow 5 but wfually, they widen, more orlef, from the Top, to the Bottom ofthe Root, as in Lhorn-Apple: about the Top of which, they are, for the moft part, but of the Sixth, Seventh , and Eighth, Magnitude; fome of the Fifth; but none of the Thirds but about the bie they are moft of the Third, and Fifth: whencei tis manifeft, That fome of themare, in the manner of Veins, fomewhat Pyramidal, Yetis it obferva ble, That theirampliation proccedeth not towards, but from their Original, asin Nerves, 17. §. OF thet Veffels Scighior Malpight hath obferved Compo nuntur ¢ faith he ) expoftte fiftule Zona tenui &pelluc ida, velyt argentct coloris lamina, parum lata s que, fpiraliter locata, @& extremis lateribus is s Panny lie : ‘9 J aad wit offcit untta, Oven OeER ENCE 18. Tuburn, S “4 §. To interins hi Spiral whofe Obférva tion I further add, Thhat the = Zone,or Lamina,as hecalls it,is not everone Single Prece; but confilteth c of Two or More round and true Fibres, although {tanding collaterally ie ir ‘ a raoter — ee themlelves ye flat, Eee like a Zones but of oo a rdm ‘for ‘orme, like a oeie Thred. Sc oi more of thefe Fabres happen tobreak off, from their Spiral location, togethers the Zoneis narrower, or broad ers ufually, Narrower inthe Trak, and Broader in the Root. sala Li, Pp _ 19. §. Ofthefle Fibres I alfo Oblerve, That they not dyofeulateo fide to fide, but - Kuit peor aon gee are works5a pes ing, as it were, the Warp, and the(e the Woof of the Aer-Veffels.. Ye I hick the yeral ( re not interwoven juft as ina Web 5 but by a kind ofStitch, as the feveral Plutes or Bredths of a Floor-M at. A Ae iid cleaan fight of thel Fibren.and oftheir Ieseressfia : fplitting a Vize- Root, ora piece of Oak, may, witha good Giain the fidesof their Greater Aer-Veffels, be obtained5 having much ofthere - x fs ie, ge, by femblance of Clo/e Needle-work, 20. §. TheSpiration of the Fibres of thefe Veffls, may more eafily be obferved in the Trv#4, than in the Root. And better in younge r Plants, than‘otker. And not fo well by Cutting as by Splitting, or by Tearing off fome {mall Piece,through which they ran: their Canfor mas tion being, by this means, not fpoiled. feen, chiefly , Unrefoloed. by. 21. §. Yet this way, the Yeffels are 5 But in the Leaves and T ender Stalks ofall fuch Plants, as fhew, uponbreaking, a kind of Downe or Wool they may be feen Refolved and Drawn out, and that ae ee even to the naked Eye; a ) i} i i h | | hill ini , |