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Show Book TIL 2, §. I SHALL begin where the Work of Nature appears lefs a Diverfify’d: as inthe Stalk, of Maze or Indian eA In whic | thoughthere are the fame Parenchymows and Liguous af a as a: other Plants; yet isthere neither Barque, nor pes the offels cing difperfed and mixed with the Parenchy “dy from the Sens to the Centre of the stalk: Saving, that in and neXt the ic} there feems to beno Aer-Veffels. Every where clfe, they Tun up, aS ive Threds, through the length of the Stalk : Each Thred Eee oO far- rounded with Sap Veffels ; which in a Slice cut tranfverlly, appear in very fmall and dark colour'd Rives. The like {tru€ture may alfo be Bande feen in the Sugar-Cane, and fome other Plaats. 3. §. LET the next Trazkbe that of Taraxacum, or undelion. In a flice whereof, being cut tranfverfly , is feen next the gee a fimple, white, and clofe Parenchywa or Bargque5 made up of “ ficles ; but fuch as are exceeding fmall 5 and hardly vifible without a Gla/ fe 4. §. Within This, ftand Mils-Vefels in fevenoreight diftinct Co- lums, of different fize: each Colum being alfo made up of feven oP eight Arched Lines, Betwixt thefe f olums, run as many Diametral Portions, derived from the Barque, into or towards the Pith, BAS: " Next within Thefe, ftand the Aer-F effels. Which are likewife divided, by the {aid Diametral Portions, into divers Arched Lines. The fize of thefe Veffels, as well as their zumber, is {mall. i Within Thefe, ftands the Pith, confifting of very fimall Ve- 6. §. ficles or Bladders, as the Barque. “Tis very {mal}, the Diameterhere‘of, being fcarce one fifth, of that of the Pith of Borage. But the Barque ofBorageis not half fo thick as this of Daxdelion. 7. §. FORa Third stalk, we maytake that of Borage; wherein there is fome further Variety. Forina flice hereof, cut tranfverfly, there appears, firfta Tough, yet Thin and Tranfparent Skin. Within this Shiv,and Continuous therewith, thereis alfo a Thin Ring of Sap- Vefféls: which, without being crufhed in the leaft, doyeild a Lympha. 8. §. Next ftandeth the Parenchyma of the Barque. Which is madeup of a great number of very finall Veficles or Bladders. Upon the inner Verge of this Parenchyma, {tandeth another Ring of Sap-Veffels : which alfo yielda Lympha 5 and that different, as is probable, from _ the Lymphain the utmoft Ring. Hitherto goes the Barque. . g. Adjacent to the Rive of Sap-Veffels, on the inner Verge of Barque , ftand the Aer-Veffels on the outer Verge of the Pith. Not ina Rings but in feveral Parcels 5 fome Parcels or Conjugations,in the figure of little Specks 5 others, in little Arched Lines, almoft like an V Con- And being viewedin a good Glas, there appears to be within fonant. ufS of every larger Speck, or Parcel, about 20 or 3a Aerwithin the fmalleft, about 8 or 10. } hollow. The Pith, ina well grown Stalk of this Plant; is always But originally, it is evtire. It is likewife wholly made up of a great number of Vefickes: of which, through a Gla/s, fome appear . Penta others Sexangular, and Septangular. Moft of them are larger than thofe of the Bargue 5 fo asto beplainlyvifible toa naked hye. : A FOURTH Trunk , thall be that of Colewort, which vife, to have at leaft, two Sorts of Lywphedutfs. For beut tran{verfly, as the former, we may obferve, next the Shiv, a very of Trunks. very clofe Parenchyma, of a darkifh Green. Wherewith are mixed fome few Sap Vefels, which giveit that Colour. 12, §. Within This, ftands a fealloped Parenchymous Ring, or a Ring of many fhort and flender white Arches. Whichall round about the Barque, meeting together, runin fo many white Diametral Porti« Tub, 12. ons, or extream {mall Rays, into the Pith. 13. §. Betwixt thefe white Rays, and next ofall to the faid white Arches, {tand asmany {mall Parcels of Sap-Vef[ls, like fo manylittle Half-Ovals. Within each of which, is included a white Parenchyma, 14. §, Onthe inner Verge of the Barque, ftands another Sort of Sap-Feffels, in one flender and entire Rizg. And fo far goes the Bargne. 7 15. §. Next within this Révg ftand the Aer-Vefels, in feveral Parcels, diametrically oppofite to the faid white Parenchymous Parcels next without the Sap-Ring. 16. §. Laft of all, and more within the Pith, {tand the fame kind of Sap-Veffels, as thofe of the Half-Ovals, Both thefe, by fmall lines, run one into another 5 thus, on both fides, hemming inthe Aer-Veffels, and fo making altogether, fo many little Pyramids. 17. §. LET a Fifth bethat of Holyoake. In which, the Curio- fity of Nature, is {till more copious: prefenting us, as it is feems, with Three forts of Lymphedués ; Of which, two yield a Thin 5 the Third, a Thick Lympha. For being cut, as before, next tothe Shiz, ftands the Barque s fomewhat clofe, and, in proportion, Thick, 18. §. Towards the inner Verge hereof,{tand one fort of sap-Ve els, poftur'd in hort Rays. Thefe Veféls yield a Mucifage. And on the inner Verge of the Barque, ftands a Thin Ring of other sap-Veffels, which yield a thinner Liquor. 19. §. Next within the Bargue ftand the Aer-Veffls, poftur'd likewife infhort Rays, diametrically oppofite to thofe in the Barque. In Tab. 18. every Ray, there are about twelve or fixteen Ve/els. 20. §. Laftly, and more within the Pith, there ftand other Sap- Vegéls, allin very Thin or Slender Arched-Lines 5 thus hemmingin the ral Parcels of Aer-Veffels. 21. §. FOR Sixth, I will take that of Wild Cucumer : Where- in isalfo found a Mucilaginous Lympha. For firlt of all, next to the Skin, there is a Ring of Sap-Veffels. Which Ring is alfo radiated, the Sion all poynting towards, and moft of them terminating on, the Skin, 22. §. Next of all, there.isa thick, and fimple Parenchymous Ring: Tab. 18, On the inner Verge whereof, there are other Sap-Veffels {tanding in Parcels, alfoina Ring. So far goes the Barque. 23. §. Next within, ftand the Aer-Vefels, in as many Parcels, con- tiguous to thofé of the Sap-Vefféls aforefaid. To which likewile are adjoyned as many moreParcels of Sap-Vefféls within the Pith, oppofite to the faid Sap-Vefels within the Barque. 24. §. FOR a Seventh, we may, choofe that of Scorzonera. In which, the Vefels are both Lymphedués, and Laéfiferous. All of them, with the Aer-Vefels, in a radiated pofture. For firft next the outer Edg of the Bargue, ftand the Laéfiferous, in little Specks. Next to Tah, 12: thefe, on the inner Edg of the Bargue, ftand the Lyuphedués, in the fame form. uW 25: ¢ | | i | iy | i Ha iH 4 |