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Show ) of the V eptation oe Tab. 7,8. Tab. 2,& 7+ Book IL Book IL. 4 3 in Columbine, Clary, aie Roa thre Ramified, or more Stringy, as TeQUED Tae aie as is faid, by thefe means, more of the Aer approaching {till nearer the To be tee ee: we. they at laft ftrike through it, into the tis them, anc the a ie Par ibyaies Fibres being wrapped about therefore they a Daek nit to them by thofe Frbres 5 (4) of invefted with fome quantity ae esa ont ked, but always whatever Conftitutive Part is by, where ‘, id ee aa . the fame is alfo in every Branch or the of ttefee Oe main Body ot in thepity an d Pliabilityy of the Aer-Vejfels, Bp: ie Expanfion fame ee i Levy wath forth Root-Buds s which gradually i ae of oe i aad base reee Trunks. In the Formation receffive all kinds of ways; being not only in: Viable and e eg ney‘Outward toward the Circumference of the Root, . in as a firings but alfo fpread more Abroad Tetwee fo : to Tale et always bee 5 they are e -ffrings ai Root-ftrin g Se si the {aid are : Where asin Bud ; on Difpofiti the of refpe&t in Which, Tab. 6. val aah Aifittetice bebwiiit the Root and a a , ney b Loo t- Buds : ye have ief Hence, thofe Roots, chiefly, « - fai $. 253. , der Voffels 5 Ce) thefe, as is faid, being the moft pliable s ee ” Tab. 11. five. Ae (2) P.1. 6.40 ae ge But becaufe the expanfivenefs of the Vefels, wigs _ in ‘pat “upon the Fewnefs of their a the ‘ae —— thoot forth different] r, in divers Roots. Where the Braces are fewer, ah eeforth ond the Circumference of the Root, . . Je. Tab. 6 isa pupal Artichoke; where more clofe, as m Potato’s, _ oe . little abfconded beneath it; the Aer-Veffels being here, y. a ara: teaehat checked and curbed in, while the Barqve continuet wall 3 Her Growth. i iameaate Aer-Veffels are all along more equally pecs ih, Roabis 5 alfo, or Cylindrical, as are thofe of Eryngo, cea Marfbmallow, Liquirifh, &c. But : sae growing ai bi = 2 unequ e irc the bottom of the Root;4 then the Root is a wards asis obfervable, quite contrarily to the Aer-Veffels 5 " Pan . They do; but {till fmaller, or pyramidally 5 as in Borage "Nettle, Patience, Thorn-Apple, &c. isapparent. For the Veffels ‘peing confiderably wider about the ne a ieee <i ee ereby the 1 a more Copious 1 Sap is Ferment : there contein : volatilized, and plentifully advanced tothe Upp Wittis receiving into themfelves, and fo trafmitting to a per Parts, a more plentiful /zpour, they herebyrob the Parenchymou Parts of their Aliment, and fo ftint them in their Growth. ; s seu abiily ah the 48. §. FROM THE different Proportions and wea How Rots r are diffently Parts, the Motions of Roots are alfo various. For whee ae Rist See Mov’d. are {pread abroad and invefted with a thinner Barque3 the : ; &c. Tab. 8. orlies Level,as in the level-Roots of Primrofe, Bifhops-meed,Anemone, may Vi) au 91 may be feen. So that thefe Roots, as by the Perpendicular strings, which fhoot Wherethe fame Aerial Vefféls are Fewer,or more eee § is {moot 7 aa Wh Thicker and Clofer Bargue 5 the Root foisted where ae But Dandelion. Peony, A/paragus, ia yer x is in lefs ee " hed in a Thinner Bargue, Smaller, or eae a a a Fot being, of Roots, from them into the Earth, and’ wherein the Aer-Veff els ; are contracted into their Center, they are Plucke d down (2): So by (4).P.t.c.16 the Aer-Veffels, which {tand nearer the Aer, and more tractive Power (4) they are invited upwards ; wherebunderits At- $.15. y they have(4) P. 2. neither a/éent nor defcent, but keep /evel, betwixt both. $. 36. 49. §. But ifthefe Vefels are ContraGed, ftandin g either in, or near the Centre, and are invefted with a Barque proportionably Thick 5 the Root ftriketh down perpendicularly, as doth that of Daydelion, Buglofs, Parfuep, &c. And therefore the faid V éls, although 7g, 7, & they are {pread abroadin the Jevel Roots, yet in the perpendienlar ones , of the fame Plant, they are always contraéted 5 as by comparing the Level and Down-right Roots of Aumi, Primrofe, Ferufalem Artichoke, Comflip, and others, is manifett, 50. §. If the Aer-Vefels are Contraéted, and Environed with a greater number of succiferous, the Root grows deep 5 that is, perpen- ~ dicular and long. (c) Perpendicular, from the Contrac tion of the Aer- (6) Petc.t Veffels ; (d) and long, from the Predominion ofthe Succiferows, which Cb Pal in their growth, are extended only by that Dimenfion, as in Liquirifh, 49, an Eryngo, &c. i 51. §. Ifthe Succiferowsare over proportioned to the Parenchymous Parts, but under to the Aer-Vefels 5 the Rootis perpend icular fill, but groweth fhalow: The Succiferovs being {tardy enough to keepit perpendicu lar 5 But the Aer-Veféls having a predominion to keep it from Srowing deep 5 as in Stramonium, Nicotian, Beet, &c. Tab. 7. 52. §. If, onthecontrary, the Parenchymous Parts ate nant to the Aer Veffels ; and that;both in the Root and Trunk; predomithen the whole Hoot changeth place, or de/cends. (¢) For the faid Aer-Veffels, (Piven having neither inthe Track; nor inthe Root; a fufficient Power to §. 10. Lib.t, Draw it upwards 5 it therefore gradually yields to the Motion ofits 0.2.$.25,and Siring-Roots; which, as they ftrike into the Soil, Pluck it down after 4- Appendy, them. Andbec aufe the old Strings annually rot off, and new ones 510 P. 2 fucceflively thoot downinto the Ground, it therefore annuall y ftill de- * 3% fcendeth lower 5 as in Tulip, Lily, &e. may be obferved. 53. §. Where the Aer-Vefels are much Jpread abroad, and alfo zuzerous, the Root oftentimes, as to its feveral parts, defcend s and afcends both at once. So Radifhes and Turneps, at the fame time,in which their nether parts decend s their upper, (where the faid Ve/éls are more loofelybraced, and fpread more abroad than in the lower parts) do Tab. 2, afcend, or make their Growth upward. Hence alfo, the of moft young Roots from Seed; afcends: Becaufethefirf upper part t Leaves, being proportionably large, and {tanding in a free Aer, the Aer-Veffels therein, have a dominion over the young Root; and fo themfelves yielding to thefolicitation of the Aer, upwards 5 they draw the Root, in part, after them. 54. §. BY THE Situation and Proportions of the Parts, the Age How Roots of the Root is alfo varied. For if the Sap-Veféls have the greateft aredifferent: Proportion, the Root, is Perennial, and that to the tartheft extent, as ly Aged. in Trees and Shrubs. Becaufe thefe Veffels containing a more copious Oyls Cf) and their feveral Principles being more clofely Concentred, CT) Pi 2! theyare lefS fubject toa Refolution, thatis, a Corruption or Mortificati iS. 2%. on bythe Aer, $2 55.8. |