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Show a Led. IL Parts of Auimals mixed “248 huff, even with 8. §. Harts.Horn makes a confiderable Bullition and d, will not do, But Oyl of Vitriol, which the rest of the Bodies abovefai the foregoing Exwith spirit of Nitre, it makes yet a greater, From before afferted of is what follow, that all almoft and periments, that concerning the Salts of Vegetables and Minerals, is here alfo evident d by thefire. of Animals, fcil. That it is not made, but only feparatethe forementiof Salt in It likewife hence appears, That the proportion of them are never, oned parts is verydifferent; andthat therefore fome be fubftituted one for and none ofthem but with good difcretion, to t proportion of another in Medicine. As alfo, that thereis a differen Parts belong. the faid salt in the feveral Avimals themfelves, to which Snails and Oifters: g. §. Next for shells 5 as thofe of Lobfters, Eggs, l, and Spirit of all which make an Effervefcence, both with Oyl ofVitrio (hells make a confiderable ire. But with Spirit of Nitre the greatest. Lobftermake a Bullition and Bullition and huff,but no noife nor fieams. Egg-fhells huff, with fome noife, but no freams. with noife and fteams. Snail-foells make an Effervefcence Oyfter-fhells make one with the gratelt noife and er ove thicket fteams. Hence we may judge, in what cafe to adminift ng to accordi more appofitely than avother. As alfo iz what proportion, , as being their different ftrength. Some may be better for Children are milder. Orfora Body whofe very harp Blood or other Humors, a avoid more eafily kindled into Ferments. Or elfe maybe fafelt, to {adden precipitation of the Humors 5 or for fome other caufe. Efferro. ¢. Oyfter-fhells, and the reft above-faid, make a quicker than Salt, of Spirit with even but ofNitre, Spirit with only not wefcence, they do with Oyl of Sulphur, or Oyl of Vitriol. So that thefe bodies, as well as Metals, have their proper Menftruums whereby they are be diffolved. 11. §. Egg-fhells calcined, make with Qyl of Sulphur, or Oyl of Vie uncalcined. triol, or Spirit of Nitre, a greater Effervefcence, than when like is As alfo with fteams which uncalcined, they produce not. The continued, feenin calcined Opfter-fhells. Andthe longer the Calcination is at feveral the quicker andfironger will be the Effervefcence. This LT trzed a terms, from a quarter of an hour, to five hours. So that after fo long reafon Calcination, they make an Effervefcence almoft inflantaneous. ‘The being hereofis,Becaule the feveral Principles whereof the Shells confift, relaxed, and the Sulphur for the greateft part, driven away bythe fires the remaining Salt lies now more open and naked to the attaque ofthe Menftruum, {o {oon as ever they are mixed together. From henceit is plain, That Egg-fhells, and the others above-faid, being burnt, are far fironger Medicines, than when waburat, It is hereby likewife evident, That a great portion oftheir Sait, is not a volatile, but a fixed Alkaly. Tothefe maybe fubjoyned all kinds of fhelly Injetfs. 1 will inftance in three or four. With 12. §. And firft Bees, with Oyl of Vitriol, ftir not inthe leaft. without any elevaSpirit of Nitre they make an exceeding faall Bullition, : tion, 13. §. Cochinele (the Nef of an. Inject ) makes fome Bullition with _ feen without a Ojl of Vitriol, but very fmall: for the bubbles are not to be Glafs. But with Spirit of Nitre the Bullition 7s more vifible, and joyued h fome elevation. 14. $+ Lea. IL. with feveral Menftruums, 14. §. Cantharides make no vifible Bullition with Oyl of Vitri But with Spirit of Nitre they do a buff up Ae Oe, nee chinele. Yet is this done very flowly, and comparatively with we, vibes bodies, is not much. Bence it is not the quantity, but ie at of their volatile Salt, which makes them fo ftrong an Epifpaftick For moft of thofe Bodies above, and hereafter named ; fae i greater Bullition, and yet are neither Cau/fick nor Epi(paffick iA ie Jeaft. It is hence alfo evident , as hath been before fuggefted, That there are divers kinds of Volatile Salts, eminently different 5 fome being highly alkaline, others very little, and fome fcarce any hip fo: fuch as thofe of Scurvy-graft, Anemone, Crowfoot, and many the like Plants; to whofe salt, this of Cantharides feemeth to = 4 neat ofkin. 15. §. Millepedes make a Bullition and huff, much gre: Ree i than any of the Infes above-named: and iebab eiSpireofte and Oyl of Vitriol it felf. Yet is this Infed of avery temperate pabitre: Wherebyis further demonftrated, That the being imply alkaline, is not enough to make a body to be Gau/tick, : 16. §. Again, although Millepedes make a Bullition, greater than any of the Infets above named: yet is it much lefs, than that of O; fer, Snail or even Egg-fhells 5 and of divers other bodies above, and hereafter ae tioned. Hence, being given to the fameintent, as any of thole bodies 3 it is the mildeft and gentleft in its operation of themall. a 17. §. Millepedes likewifé calcined, makes a ftronger Effervefcence than when uncalcined, as do the Oyfter-fhells, Gc. So that it ap core That all Teftaceows Salts, are at leaft in part, fixed Salts, pee 18. §. I next proceed to Bones. And firft Whale-bone maketh no Bullitionat all with any acid. A Cartilage, with Spirit of Nitre, makes fome very Suall bubbles, not to be feen without a Glafs. : oun a a ae the ae of a Carp, makes a little and flow Bul ition with Spirit of Nitre. The Spina of a Fifh (: j , aCod-fifh) maketh a Bullition one dee ae et ae 20. $. All forts of Teeth, as Dogs, Boars, the Sea-horfe, Elephant make the like. As alfo the Bone of an Oxes heart. So that all thefe are very gentle in their operation, andfit for Children. _2t. $. Skeeps and Calves Bones both of them make a Bullition yet a little higher, efpecially with Spirit of Nitre. Cocks Bones fomembat higher than the former. Cranium humanum a little higher than all the reft. “ 22. §. Bones likewife, being calcined, make a Bullition with Acids Andfo dothalfo calcined Harts-Horn. But in neither ofthem, is the cae ee advanced by erie any thing comparable to what as in fpells. ae Salt of Horms and Bones, more vence ee it appears * ae at the S¢ es, is much m fe 23. §. Next for Flefh and the feveral Vifcera. ud fir) and powdered Mutton, with Oil it Parte fo De ey ae cy Spirit of Nitre makes a fizall Bullition and buff: Sheeps Heart doth thé like fomewhat more apparently. Vipers flelh produceth a froth, but buffs not, Powdered Earthsworms makea great froth, and huff'a little Powdered Tripe makes only a little Bullition. Lamtb-ftones do the ie Ken: ney, Spleen, and Liver, with fome elevation. Lunes, with bubbles Dery large; becanfe extraordinary flowly. Dryed Brain makes alfo 4 lintle ? Pp and |