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Show ~TheExplication of the Tables, it by the Length, in a Bean newly Sprung up. F. 2. fheweth the Wood as it ap- The ZABLESto the Se EXPLICATION OF cond B 00 Kare Thirteen, pears to the naked Eye. F.3. the Cane {plit down. F.4. the Corn newly fpronted. i AB. V.fheweth the generation F.5. A Branchoffive years growth. ofRoots out ofthe DefecndFrom the Circumference, to the ut- ling Trunk, So¥.6.is a treble Root THE moft black, Ring, goes the Barque. of three years defcent 5 the lower= F. 6.a, a piece of the Stalks b, | woft, half-roted off: TAB 2 Bs magnified. F.7. a, a piece of Oak wood cut | TAB. VI. F. 1. fhemeth the sure tranfverfly 5 b, the fame magnified. | face of the Barque. The mbite Lines are the leffer and| F. 2. the midle part. greater Infertions. The Pricks, are| F. 3. the Barque firiped. the Wood. The little and great F. 4. the Root cut down the length. Holes two forts of Aer-Veffels. F.5.the Barque ftriped off: F. 8. Part of a Branch ten years F.6. the Network toth of the Reduced to a narrow compafs ;as ferving to clear thofe Particulars, chiefly, which the Deferiptions before gr ven, have not reached. old, with the Barquefiripped off,and| F.8, 9, 10,11. The Root plit ferted into the Wood. TAB. IV. F. 1. fhewing how | down, to fhew the Pofition of the Veffels, and the Figure ofthe Pith at the top of the Root, the Infertions appear, ina piece of | Beech-Iree fplit down,to be braced or TAB. VII. The Roots all cut | F. 12. Cut by the Length. = , ; F. 13. A Lobe cut tranfver fly. The TABLES tothe Firlt| BOOK, TAB L are Four. 14. Bosh the LihatLy the woven in together with the Wood. Length, to fhew the Seminal Root. F. 15, a, the convexfide of one F.2,a, the Radicle lodged inthe| TAB. II. F.1, 2, & 3. fhew the Body of the Iner Coat. gradual converfion of the Lobes of F. 3, a, the Radicle,b,the Plume \ the Seed, into Leavs. or Bud. F. 4. a, the Radicle cut by the F. 4, the Seed covered 5 c, the | length ; b, tranfver/ly. Seed opens e, the fame magnified.| ¥.5. The white Wedges, are the F.5. a, theCorn covered 5 c, na- | Infertions; the black, are the Woods the pricks are the Aer-Veffels, and F. 6. a,b, the two Lobes 3 e, the the blackhalfovals,the Lymphedutts Radicle; c, the Radicle and Bud ; | in the Barque. d, the Hollow in which the Bud lies. | F.6. The three black Rings, are F.7. a, the Seed covered; c, ma- | the terms of three years growth. ked 5 €, open. | F.7. a, the upper parts b, the F.8. a, ove Lobe --b, the Bud | lower. b, magnified. | F.8. A Turnep cut tranfverfly, F. 9. the Slice a little magnified. and part of the Kind cnt off. F. 10. The Radicle d, cut tranf-| F.9. fhemeth the gradual growth werflyic. of the Pith. F. 11. The Plume or Bud a, cut) TAB. UL Fit. Tie Bud cut tranfuerfly c. | tranfver|l:, and part of the i | | tranfuerfly, and their Varieties de- F. 2. to 11. hem the different po- | fcribed, in the fecond Book, as they Igure 1, a, The Fo-| Lobe,fhewing the Seminal Root withramen. out cuting 5 c, the flat fide. ked and a little magnified. Lympheduts, and of the Aer-Veffels. F. 7. the Generation ofa Bud. cut both tranfverfly and down the length, to frew howthe Barque is in- yy fition and Figure of the Lignous Fi- | appear to the naked Eye. ‘bers. | F.12, a, one of the Theca Semi- | TAB. VIII. Other Roots cut niformesin a Lily, with the fper- tranfverfly, and the varieties of their matich Powder therein, as apparent Parts alfo defiribed in the fecond Book, to the naked Eye. F. 13. a, one of the fuits in the TAB. 1X. More Roots cxt tranfFlorid Attire, as it appears to the naked Eyes b, the Floret; ¢, the verfly. Sheath; d, the Blade. TAB. X. F.1. A Slice of the F.14. Wherein the white Pentangular Acetary is bounded by the Cal- Root cut tranfverfly 5 but a little too big for the life. culary. F. 2. AA, Onehalf ofa like slice. F. 15. The Branches which run bb, The skiz. through the Stone to the Flower and AA DD,The Barque orall thas Seed. F. 16. The Innermo't Coverof the part ofthe Root analogous to it. GD, The Lympheduéts on the Seed, as fhaped when it is ripe. inneredge of the Barque. F. 17. The Coats cut open. GG, The Wood. F, 18. The Seminal Root. GT, The Aer-Vefels th:rein. TT, The Pith. TAB. XL F.1. The Neck of the \I | i |) | |