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Show =£pifle Dedicatory: Firft Chapter, ny whereof, and moft belonging to the and might s; year n {eve neat ant, dorm having now lain Lord/bips Your not ftill, perhaps, have fo continued, had doing In . them upon t Eye, at length, created Ligh ns, Toke y man e thof gtt amon one, given which, You have wKno and ning Lear ofas well Your readinefS to promote do to ties Abili high Your as ; s ledge bythe hands of other Jozr in feft mani fo are h, whic Both : Own ++ by Your Mathematical Lord|bip, that, like the firft Principles of do EE GONTENTS. ted, becaufe Science, they are not fo much to be affer CHAP. I e me The Confideration whereof, my Lord, may mak moft alfo but urs; Favo your of ng not only Ju/f, in owni I Of the Seed in its State of Vegetation, known and granted byall. eak, Ambitious of yout Patronage: Whichyet, to befp is what , think I that Not mutt confefs, I cannot well. for : cate Advo elt ownb its ys alwa is , Goodand Valuable , and yaLknow, that the Cenfures of Men,are humorous n on frow to leave have mutt riable ; and thatone Age, fs thanki lefs ing noth do will her, anot h thofe Books, whic But, chiefly, for this Reafon, Left I fhould andembrace. citing fo much as feem defirous, of Zour Lord/bips Solli myCaufe, as to all J havefaid. For as it is your Glory, ; fo that youlike notfo to fhine, as-to put out the leaft Star ilName,to were it to Your Difhonour, to borrow Your ous. 1am, picu conf moft e ghofth thou , Spots the luftrate HE Method propounded, ded, §.1. $1. The G arden-Bean, diffe T The two Coats Defcribed, 3, 4. The Foramen ae Coat, 5, 6. What generally obfervabl. 7. The Organical Parts of the Seed, o The na ve “Te Radicle in the Bean, 11. Ix other Seeds, 12. The Blin e 1 The Similary Parts, 15. The Cuticle, 16, 17. The Parenchyma te I : a“ The Inner Body, 21, to 29. earns No folid Account yet given of ve 3 OL. how in common fubfervient to the Vegetation he Seed, 31. The Foramen, of what ufe herein, Th oat, 33. Of the h Cuticle , 34. Of the P.pean es Inner Coat, ve Seminal Root, 36. How the Bick fift uedRee 2 -3y oe oe the Plume al this while preferued, 38. Root the Seeds, 41. Plume vegetates, 39. How the Lobes, How after a 40. j That they do in moft, demonftrated, a a. nee if refolvable, 45. The ufé of the Diflimilar Leaves, 46; to the end ee My Lord, CHAPI: Your Lord{bips Of the Root. Moft Obliged, And gut “ to be Diffected, §.1. TheSkin hereof, its Original, 2 he ortical Body, its Original, 3. Texture, 4. Pores, 5. ; Moft Humble Serwant ey e. Bs Lignous Body, its Original, 7 NEHEMJAH GREW. Texture, 8 Bre oe nen ts Orizinal, isinal, 1010. Pore.5,11,| Number Nuwbe - J he Infertment, 9. portions, 4k ane on defcription hereof, with that of the Ofenletions one engae ody, 13, 14, 15, The Pith, its original fometimes from the Seed, 16. Sometimes from the Barque, 17. Its Pores, 18, 1 P i hegee 20. Fibres of the Lignous Bodytherein, 21. hofe THE Fibres, 22; ThePithof How the Root grows, andthe nfe of the Skin, 2 Cor/ tical |