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Show ^b^^^^^^^^^±±^±±^c±±±±±^^i±^±±±±^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!^cj^»3©:feG»(SS^&>^Blue-White ^Brilliant diamondsHubLard-Denn Co.217 Main StreetMusic of All Kinds andAll Occasions Can beGotten at Our Store"See Us First"Glen Bros.-Roberts Piano Company161 So. MainLEYSON-PEARSALL CO.Jewelersj®236 Main St.Salt Lake Citv"Hello, Joe, I've been dying to tell you about my new gartersâ€"Hold 'em Utahâ€"and, boy, they deserve the name. You'd better order yours before the rush starts. Everyone who amounts to anything will be after them. Just let me tell you what they've done for me in a week. They've improved my poise and self-confidence, stimulated the muscles of my legs, and strengthened my faith in human nature, to say nothing of holding my socks up with the utmost fidelity.""Thanks for the tip, Bill. Say, did you hear about Phil Phlump? You know he always wore those old-fashioned heels. Well, the other day he fell downstairs and fractured his skull â€"ha, ha! Boy, won't I kid him about that! Pussyfoot Geared to the Floor Heels for me. You won't catch me breaking my neck with any of these old hard heels. No, sir!""That's the way to talk. Say, you know the Winsome Wenches, the biggest burlesque show of the season, is at the Delerium. Hot dog! What fun! Whoopee! Hurrah for Utah!â€"Say, you know it looks like rain, but what do we care? With our Slushproof Slickers we'll be warm and snug. Well, I'll be seein' ya, kid."Economy in FinancingShould be practiced by the home owner or contractor building to sell. Our long experience enables us to soundly advise in all financial transactions involving Real Estate.See Us About Your Summer and Fall Building RequirementsAsljtnn-Sntkma (En.32 Main Street Wasatch 123 Salt Lake CityLoans Without Commissionmi&.^»%9,Three hundred eighty-threem^w^ |