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Show ^^frlV^T^T^fr^^V^^V^Wr^rTV^Wr^^&*m&m&&m&!&G&ipC^e^3>m^^^S^^3^>k^3-^^^3^@^^^^Â¥iIn fhe Next Rgdhi% r*-j,yTORONTODIXONSMITHANDERSONVarsity PlayTHE production of "In The Next Room," a three-act mystery drama, brought forth rounds of applause from the three nights audiences which ^itnessid the performances at the University Ward Hall on December 13, 14, 15. Although hampered by lack of facilities for staging, the play was one of the most outstanding ever seen at Utah. There was not one weak member of the entire cast. Equal to the reception in the city was that received while the play toured Southern Utah during the holidays. This is the second consecutive year that the varsity play has spent the holidays on the road." .STANDINGâ€"]. F. SMITH, Director; HAROLD BOYER, JAMES, KNUDSON, JOSEPH TORONTO, MAC DIXON, WALLACE A. GOATES, Manager. SEATEDâ€"HALBERT GREAVES, JASMINE ROMNEY, DARYL BAGLEY, EDNA RUSSEL,HYRUM REICHMANâ- ®Z33*3fe*^i.Two hundred eighty-nine |