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Show ^^TA^^^AWT^fr^^VsWrAxWr^rTtr^^»3©*fi*&s*ga'S&&*First Intramural ManagerORGANIZATION on the Unversity campus, fraternity and other group teams into Intramural sports, has been more firmly established this year by the splendid work of Ray Forsberg. He has been very active as the first intramural manager and has spent considerable time in arranging schedules, officiating for many different sports and helping to keep the intramural work moving. His wide knowledge of many different types of sports has made him a very valuable man in the intramural work.Every fraternity and club on the campus who have participated in intramural athletics during the past year realize the tremendous task which has confronted Ray, and he is to be commended for the excellent manner in which he has handled his new position.RAY FORSBERGTrack and Fieldâ- mABOUT sixty men participated this year in the first intramural track and field meet held on the University campus. Eight organizations were represented in some very keen competition. Beta Theta Pi with forty-six points topped the list to annex first place. The Sigma C h i 's were second with twenty-two points and the Pi Kappa Alpha finished a close thirdwith nineteen points. The Phi DeltaTheta fraternity garnered sixteen points andthe Sigma Pi, twelve to finish fourth and fifth respectively.m, ; aCOX, PATRICK, COSCROVE, ANDERSON.(AMES, NEILSON, I. ANDERSON, CAMPBELLEGAN, PETERSEN, ARMSTRONG, CARRmm?nmx£,One hundred fifty-one |