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Show <PoloEntering uponits fourth yearas an officialminor sport,Polo, the pastyear, has endeda season moresuccessful thanthe three previous ones. Dueto inclement jweather the season was delayednearly threeweeks. Undaunted, Coach Green developed a fast clever aggregation. The Salt Lake Polo Club, Arizona, and Oregon Agricultural College were met and the showing made by the Utah team was very gratifying. With such returning lettermen as Robison, Latimer, Amott, Ellis and Showell, Captain Green built up a team that ranked favorable with any in the country. The fact that R. O. T. C. ponies were used, made it possible for the University to maintain a polo team. The past year twenty-six ponies have been developed thus making a group of horses the envy of many polo admireres throughout the West.It is hoped that polo in the future will continue on the same high plane as it has been under the direction of Captain Green.GREENCoachSTEWART |