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Show Vft-^fr-fr^r ^Wr-fr 4r^4r A^V 4r4f xVxV xWr-fr JEJbJE&iSfo ^r^Ht^rtr^t tV^r \ft -tfrfr^nanitnfrdr yjf^r ^riKWrtWrrfr-tWr A \VtWf-&•>&â- :tVxtr*Wr tfr yV^r^WrvWr-tWrx^*i^€^^3^©00^(SS^Ota*SuMTennisTRADITIONS are not complete at the Crimson institution without an A-l tennis aggregation. Utah has always been in the thick of the running, both state and conference, and now that the conference bunting has been extracted from the order of events, it remains for Coach Theron Parmelee's Utes to mow down the best in the three Utah colleges.Brigham Young University, with the ever trying, ever successful Sanky Dixon, survived the early season with straight victories and repeated its 1928 championship showing. Dixon was good for a victory in every one of his singles matches and equally as good for points in the doubles with Eldon Brinley. Since only three triumphs were required for a team victory, one of the three remaining matches was all the Cougars needed to win.Utah opened the season by subduing the Aggies in three out of five matches on the Ute courts. The margin was decided when Harold Smith downed Jack Christensen of the A. C. in the lone singles, the last match to be completed.By taking three of the five matches, the Utah Aggies gained second place in the conference meet by defeating the Utah raqueteers in their second encounter of the season. It was a stubborn encounter and hinged on the battle between Jack Christensen and Dave Freed, which the fcrmer took 8-6, 6-8, 6-3, 6-3. In the doubles, Irvine and Stegner won from Cannon and Saxer. Cowley and Swinyard retaliated and won from Forsley and Smith in the other doubles contest. Cowley downed Smith in the other singles match.COACH PARMELEEFORSBERGIRVINESTEGNERFREEDSMITH^^^^/^J^g^^^S^IIÂ¥'.%&JBS&E>£z3CS&iw^^^^^i^^^^y^^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^p^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^One hundred forty-four |