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Show mm2hf\X/ H^E praise is given the actual participants in all college activities, credit and appreciation should be extended to the Directors. It is only as a result of their efforts that tournaments can be arranged and all the countless details taken care of to the satisfaction of all. Those who have fulfilled these duties during the past year are: Leona Holbrook, as president; Sylvia Burt, as intramural manager, which position entails contests between all organizations; and Miss Minerva Jennings, who has been freshman coach for the year.T^DirectorsJENNINGSHOLBROOKBURTbaseballDASEBALL for women is not given so much attention as it receives from the men, but laboring under this handicap and the added one of having a very late start there has been an elimination tournament between the sororities and also the classes. It is the first time such a venture has been made, and from the number of participants alone,':,i.MALLON, COLLINS, BARTHOLOMEW, ROBERTS, CARLSON BARTHOLOMEW, STONE, HICKMAN PIERCE, JACKSON, CRANE, BOWERS, HOLBROOK, HILLMAN GOFF, PRAETOR, BURTOne hundred fifty-four » -» ♦ «--r*-r-r ♦ *->\ |