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Show i^»^r^^tr^rxfr^V^Wr^V^r^^^r>fr^f^x^^£,'DancingF^ESPITE the fact that there are no tournaments held for those who made dancing their hobby the enrollment in almost all the dancing classes has increased noticeably. There are points to be gained in taking some of the splendid classes under the direction of Miss Blanche Hayes, who is the head of that activity. Students who have charge of it as an activity of the W. A. A. are: Miss Ada Chamberlain, Miss Grace Cannon, Miss Beatrice Roberts, and Miss Leah Ekins.CANNON, EKINS, ROBERTSTennisW/ITH the coming of warm weather basketball retires leaving tennis to occupy the place of greatest interest in the field of athletics. During the year there have been several tourneys under the guidance of Miss Bernice Thomas who is the tennis manager. During the fall quarter a single elemin-ation tourney was held withRuth Crow the winner andBernice Thcmas the runnerup. A paddle tennis tourney in the winter resulted in first places going to Miss Thomas and Jesse Schofield. The winners of the spring elimination tourney are Bernice Thomas, Ruth Crow, and Virginia (Dolly) Evans.BOWERS, PIERCE, HICKMAN, JACKSON, PRAETOR4 |