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Show \jHric^fti*iT^rir^W^&®G$mMORRISON-MERRILL &CO."THE LUMBERMEN"THE MARK OFTIMBER.ROCKPAPERPRODUCTSFDRBUILDING PURPOSESRELIABILITYOur Favorite Announcer Broadcasts an OperationBy Doug NowellWell, hello folks. Station XXX, MMM speaking. Here we are up in the operating room of the Goodness-A-Mercy Sanitarium, waiting for the operation on John Smith.Mr. Smith has appendicitis. This feature was made possible through the courtesy of the Eatmore Mattress Stuffing Corporation. They have arranged some excellent radio programs lately.There are three nurses and one interne up here. We are waiting for the surgeon and Mr. Smith. They are a little late getting started, so I'll just give you some idea of what it's like. Everybody here is dressed in white, including your announcer. MMM speaking, Station XXX. I've done a lot of announcing in my time, but this is something that's mighty different. Even if I do say it, I've put the best of 'em on the air, but this is surely one fine, interesting thing, seeing all these nurses and the interne dressed up in whiteâ€"Oh! Here comes Mr. Smith. They are rolling him through the doorâ€"on a wheeled bed. He looks pale. He don't look so good folks. Mr. Smith don't look good tonight. He looks bad. The nurses are stepping to their places. Things are going to begin happening any minute now. Where's the doctor. The docâ€"Here's the doctor. The surgeon's coming in, folks. He's here. He looks great tonight. Dressed in white, heâ€"There he is giving orders. He hardly looks at you when he gives orders. The surâ€"the John Smith looks bad to me, folks. There goes the ether! They're giving John Smith ether now,Things are going to happen row, folks. There he goes. He's got a seaâ€"a scalpâ€"a knifeâ€"I can't see the doctor's face. If he would turn around â€"I can't see what they're doing now. They are all around Smith.Say, these nurses know what they are doing and don't forget it. That little girl that keeps the ether going, she knows a thing or two.Doc's turning away now. But it's only for a moment, he's right back at Smith. Oh! boy, that guy looks bad.Look out! Doc's armâ€"the surgeon's arm is going up and down, up and down. He's sewing up Smith. Oh. kid, that's pretty work. Got him sewed up like an old sock. Atta boy, Doc.The interne is skipping all around the place. Look out! He just went down. Slipped on something, though, that's all. Right back on his feet. And right back at Smith.What's this? Doc's quitting. Yep, it's all over, folks. Doc's washing his hands and looking back at Smith.Wait a minute. Hey, Doc. Say something to the mike. All your friends are listening in, Doc. What? I don't get ja, Doc. Oh, sure. I'll tel 'em.The surgeon wants me to sav to our unseen audience that Mr. Smith looks great. He put up a great fight. He was game all the way through, and don't forget it.Thanks, Doc, thank you. Mighty fine work, old man.Now, maybe we can get Mr. Smith to say something. He's iust coming out of the ether. Wait a minuteâ€"(We regard it as unfortunate that we can't record in this place Mr. Smith's colorful remarks in coming out of the ether.)wS^^SSaSjEJe>3QC?583«t-Three hundred sixty-eight |