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Show ^^^^^^^^^^^±±^±^^^^^^^±±^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^.£&S5&%$: ^z0»%PyB'*is>®*%szWi8&wTKe Underworld §^^sssK^0$^SSIf^If all the pipes at the Beta House 0 % . :jshould be lined up end to endâ€"They :':•â- â- â- -â- 'â- \*' ' Kv3would smell just as bad. â€"and still a pledger pledges a pled- gee after a job has been pledged a •' ,:•â- *"*> •^'Sjt.^i: .*â- '•.'â- '.*1£iipe"vpledgee by a pledgor (Alumnus). "Thank goodness rushing is over," â- ;,;â- '•/.â- *•'. .; >*N**-." i"said the Phi Delt, as he nursed a broken hand. We see Jolly hasn't had a shoe shine since pledge day. THE GREEKS"I maintain that love making is just the same as it always was.""How do you know?""I just read about a Greek maid who sat and listened to a lyre all night."He: Who are you fur? Fur coon fur or fur Bear fur?She: I'm fur your fur I mean fur Coon fur.Both: Hurrah fur coon fur.The unpardonable sin: To be seen with a Chi Omega.The pardonable sin: To be seen with a Chi Omega where you won't be seen."Let her who is without sin cast the first stone," cried the Alpha Delt when she wasâ€"(at this point the censors got us).VERSE: (To be sung by the members of Pi Kappa Alpha). We are the mighty Pi Kapps, The mighty Pi Kapps are we; All social, ritzy, prominent men Are in our Fraternity. We excell in allPolitics, dramatics and football; We are the mighty Pi Kapps The mighty Pi Kapps are we All Social, ritzy, prominent men Are in our Fraternity.CHORUS: (To be sung by all). B-L-A-HW |