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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1891 PART IV. Plate XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLIIL XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. XLIX. L. Page Bird-bones from Corsica and Sardinia 467 Pachyornis rothschildi •..'.. 479 Scorpaena frondosa (Mauritius) 482 New Species of Shells from Australia, New Guinea, and the Caroline and Solomon Islands 486 Micro-Lepidoptera of the West Indies 492 Spiders of St. Vincent 549 I Structure of Ornithorhynchus 575 European Tadpoles (Rana) ,. European Tadpoles (Hyla, Bufo, Pelobates) [ European Tadpoles (Pelodytes, Discoglossus, Bombinator, j Alytes) J New Butterflies from British East Africa 633 I Gamasidae from Ants' Nests 638 NOTICE. The ' Proceedings' are issued in four parts, as follows:- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June 1st. II. ,, ,, ,, March and April, on August 1st. III. ,, ,, ,, May and June, on October 1st. IV. ,, ,, ,, November and December, on April 1 st. |