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Show 310 DISCUSSION ON THE FAUNA O F [May 5, ? Modifications of one species. 1 Modifications of one species. 5. Viviparus politus, Frauenfeld 6. jefifreysi, Frauenfeld. 7. capillatus, Frauenfeld. 8. robertsoni, Frauenfeld. 9. Bythinia Stanleyi, Smith. 10. Lanistes affinis, Smith. 11. solidus, Smith. 12. ovum, Peters. 13. purpureus, Jonas. 14. nyassanus, Dohrn. 15. Melania tuberculata, Midler. 16. nodicincta, Dohrn. 17. simonsi, Smith. 18. polymorpha, Smith. 19. turritispira, Smith. 20. pupiformis, Smith. 21. nyassana, Smith. 22. Corbicula radiata, Parreyss. 23. astartina, Martens. 24. Unio nyassaensis, Lea. 25. Spatha alata, Lea. 26. nyassaensis, Lea. Examples of the following species of Land-Shells were obtained by Sir John Kirk, as quoted by Dohrn:- 1. Helix mosambicensis, Pfeiffer. 2. Streptaxis kirkii, Dohrn. 3. Ennea Icevigata, Dohrn. 4. Achatina lamarckiana, Pfr. 5. panther a, Ferus. 6. Buliminus stictus, Martens. 7. catenatus, Martens. 8. Cyclostoma calcareum, Sowerby. A communication was then read from Mr. E. T. N E W T O N , F.Z.S., containing the following " Notes on the Geology of British Central Africa ":- Although so little is definitely known of the Geology of Nyassa-land, that it may almost be said to be a neiv field for geological exploration, yet we are not altogether without information as to some points of its general structure. Livingstone did not neglect the rocks over which he travelled, and some scattered geological information may be found in his ' Missionary Travels' concerning regions bordering on " British Central Africa." Additional facts of no little value were made known by Mr. James Stewart, C.E., in the Report of his journey on the western shores of Lake Nyassa, read before the Geographical Society (Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. vol. iii. 1881, p. 264). |