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Show 38 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. G O D W I N - A U S T E N O N [Jan. 6, Nanina infans, v. Martens, Preuss. Exped. Ost-Asien, Landschneck. p. 243 (1867). Helix adnata, Mousson in coll. Six specimens in Dr. Hungerford's collection. The type of this species is in the British Museum, represented by three shells ; the largest, I observed, was of another species, and in this Mr. Edgar Smith concurred. On referring to the original description, the dimensions recorded are those of the second sized specimen, and with this Dr. Hungerford's examples agree. The shell removed is evidently a young specimen of E. jucunda or an allied form. MICROCYSTINA ST. JOHNI, n. sp. (Plate IV. figs. 3, 3 a.) Shell depressedlv conoid, glassy, narrowly umbilicated, flat below ; sculpture under high power shows minute close longitudinal strise ; colour dark chestnut-brown ; spire low ; apex flattened : suture shallow, adpressed ; whorls 5, very flat above; aperture narrowly lunate : columellar margin rather strong, with a spiral twist. Size : maj. diam. 4*0, min. 3*5 ; alt. axis 1*25 millim. Hab. Busan Hills. I name this species after Mr. St. John, who was one of Rajah Brooke's officers. MICROCYSTINA PUDENS, n. sp. Shell depressedlv globose, rather flat below, imperforate ; sculpture, most minute regular longitudinal strise under lens, smooth and glassy to the eye ; colour dark sienna-brown ; spire flatly conic ; npex rounded ; suture very shallow ; whorls 4, very flat, regularly increasing; aperture narrowly ovate; peristome thin, thickening near the oblique columellar margin, it has here a spiral or twisted form. Size : maj. diam. 4*2, min. 3*9 ; alt. axis 2*2 millim. Bub. Busan Hills (A. Everett). It is exceedingly interesting to find this subgenus of Morch, hitherto only known from the Andamans, where several species occur, ranging so far lo the eastward, and it will no doubt turn up sooner or later in some of the intermediate islands. MICROCYSTINA SECLUSA, n. sp. . Shell globosely conical, shiny, rounded below, imperforate; sculpture, concenrric regular parallel striae, very fine ; colour sienna-brown ; spire high, side flat; apex bluntly rounded ; suture impressed ; whorls 5, sides, particularly of the last, very convex ; aperture lunate ; peristome acute, thin; columellar margin nearly vertical, thickened. Size : maj. diam. 3 8 ; alt. axis 2*4 millim. Hab. Borneo, cave-earth. Only two specimens of this species were found, and these I picked out of the cave-earth sent home by Mr. Everett to Mr. John Evans some years ago; it has not yet been found living. |