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Show 36 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. GODW1N-AUSTKN ON [Jail. (>, No. 4. Dahat Island, 2; olivaceous brown. No. 5. Karemon Island, 11; these differ from all others in their dark sienna-brown colour, and might be designated as consul var. rufa. No. 6. From Dr. Hungerford, marked Borneo ; 4 specimens, exactly similar to No. 1, and identified by him as jucunda. No. 7. Marked Borneo, 4 ; small; maj. diam. 14 m m . ; named var. nana. No. 8. Borneo ? (Boxall), 3 ; not so closely wound as any from No. 1 to No. 8, but smaller than any of subconsul, and, I think, only a dwarf variety of that form. The largest shell of the whole series was in the set No. 5, and measured 25 mm. maj. diam., alt. axis 14*25, of 7 whorls. Helix consul was the first to be described from this part of the world, the exact locality being Sarawak ; and an examination of the British Museum species led me to the conclusion that jucunda and aglaia are only based on the size, or at the best may be considered local varieties of consul. E. hyalina of von Martens appears to be another variety ; but the type I have not seen, and it is most difficult to form any opinion from drawings when the differences are so minute and when shades of colour are so subtle and yet so constant in the groups from different areas. E. hyalina appears to be larger and flatter in the spire thanjucunda, and the proportions of the before-mentioned varieties come out as follows, as regards the maj. diam. : E. consul 22 mm., jucunda 11*18, hyalina 21*0, and aglaia 10*0. EVERETTIA CUTTERI. Macrochlamys cutteri, H. Adams, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 794, pi. xlviii. fig. 21. This animal is jet-black throughout, with a pale band on the upper part of the neck running to the base of the eye-tentacles. There are no right or left shell-lobes ; the right and left neck-lobes ample, the last not divided. Pallial margin as usual. Lingual ribbon and jaw as in E. jucunda, as also the generative organs. Everettia bocki, Issel, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vi. p. 399. Hab. Borneo (Carl Bock). MICROCYSTIS TERSA. (Plate IV. fig. 1.) Nanina tersa, Issel, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vi. p. 399, t. v. figs. 1-4 (1874). Shell globose, thin, transparent glassy, very narrowly perforate ; sculpture, no spiral striation except near the apex and that most minute ; colour pale sienna tint; spire conical, sides flat; apex blunt; future shallow, adpressed; whorls 5, regularly increasing and rather flat: aperture semi-ovate ; peristome subvertical, sharp, scarcely reflected at the oblique columellar margin. |