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Show 460 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON HAPALEMUR GRISEUS. [Julie 16, covered on the under surface by tendon ; the muscles are not at all distinct: the flexor profundus arises by one head from the ulna; the flexor pollicis by two heads, one from the internal condyle of the humerus, the other from the radius. 19. Extensor communis digitorum.-The muscle divides into three tendons high up in the arm : the outermost of these divides into two, one branch supplying digit V., the other fusing with the middle of the three tendons : the tendon so formed divides into three ; two of the branches supply digits IV. and III. ; the remaining branch fuses with the innermost of the three tendons and supplies digit If. 20. The Extensor secundi internodii pollicis is a long and slender muscle ; it arises high up on the ulna from its radial surface ; the tendon of the muscle commences about halfway down the forearm ; it is inserted on the terminal phalanx of thumb. 21. The Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis is a broad, flat, bipinnate muscle arising from anterior two-thirds of radius and from the interosseous membrane ; its tendon crosses over the area a little before the wrist and is attached to the radial side of the head of the first metacarpal. 22. Extensor carpi radialis longior.-This muscle arises from the ridge on the humerus leading to the extensor condyle ; its tendon commences before halfway down the forearm and is inserted on to the radial side of the head of the second metacarpal. 23. Extensor carpi radialis brevior.-This muscle arises from the extensor condyle of the humerus and from the septum between itself and the extensor communis digitorum ; its tendon is inserted on to the outer side of the middle (3rd) metacarpal. 24. Extensor minimi digiti is a tolerably long and slender muscle, arising from the external condyle of the humerus ; it divides at the wrist into two tendons, which are inserted on to ulnar side of IVth and Vth digits; just before its bifurcation it receives a slender tendon from the extensor indicis. 25. Extensor carpi ulnaris arises from the extensor condyle of the humerus and from the ulna; it is a single insertion. 26. The Extensor indicis arises from the radial surface of the ulna and from the interosseous ligament ; it divides into two tendons : one of these joins the extensor minimi digiti as already described and besides ends in a fascia; the other tendon goes to index. Hind Limb. 1. The Glutceus maximus is, as in other Lemurs, composed of two separate parts ; the insertion of the posterior part of the muscle extends right along the lemur to its very end. 2. The Rectus femoris arises by a strong round tendon, which is bifurcate at the origin ; the muscle is covered by the vastus externus. 3. The Vastus externus is large and fleshy ; it presents no peculiarities of origin or insertion. 4. The Vastus intemus is barely half the size of the vastus externus. |