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Show 1891.] MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA O F T H E W E S T INDIES. 529 N. syn. = Simcethis aurofasciana, Snell. Tijd. v. Ent. xviii 74-76, pi. vi. fig. 7 (1875); Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges.'xv! pp.335, 354 (1890). Simcethis (Chordates) aurofasciana, Snell.Tiid. v. Ent xx OD 49 (1876). • • FF-Choregia aurofasciana, Snell. Tijd. v. Ent. xxviii. p. 15 (1885). N. syn. = Choregia ignita, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. xiii. pp. 195-(1877). VV West Indies-San Domingo (Wkr.), St. Martin (Snell.), Cuba (Z.), Portorico (Mschl.), St. Vincent (windward side, sea-level, 2 specimens, Smith). It is, I think, more than probable that Torhjra spectabilis, Wkr. (Brazil), and Choregia fulgens, F. & R. (Colombia), are also varieties of this species ; indeed, Zeller indicates the same opinion in naming Choregia ignita under his remarks on Choregia fulgens, and under a separate heading. The differences appear to be the generally brighter colouring of the thorax and fore wings, and the small longitudinal black streaks running towards the apex of the wing in the West-Indian form. GAURIS, Hb. GAURIS BIFERANA, Wkr. Gauris biferana, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B. M. xxviii. p. 418 (West Indies-San Domingo (Wkr.). GAURIS RIMULALIS, Z. Simcethis rimulalis, Z. Ver. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxv. p. 321 (1875); Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. xiii. pp. 174-5, pi. ii. fig. 62 (1877). West Indies-St. Thomas (Z.), Cuba (Z.). GEOREUTIN^I. BRENTHIA, Clem. BRENTHIA PAVONACELLA, Clem. Brenthia pavonacella, Clem. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. xii. p. 172 (1860); Stn. Tin. N. Am. pp. 38, 41, 134-5 (1872); Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. xv. pp. 335, 354 (1890). United States, Central America, Brazil. West Indies-Portorico (Mschl.). OL YPHIPTER YGIN&. TRAPEZIOPHORA, gen. nov. (rpa7re^o»'=an irregular four-sided figure; <popeiv=to bear.) Type, 3 2 Trapeziophora gemmula, Wlsm. Antennae about half the length of the fore wings ; simple in both sexes. 36* |