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Show 1891] GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SLUGS. 219 from Mexico. I have compared the description of V. schivelyce with that of the Mexican V. moreleti, Crosse and Fischer, aud they would certainly seem to be the same species, though the female genital orifice of V. schivelyce is said to be more posteriorly situated than that of V. moreleti. DISTRIBUTION OF VERONICELLA. (1) Neotropical Region. Uruguay.... 1 species. Buenos Ayres. 3 species. Brazil 16 „ Peru 1 „ Venezuela 4 ,, Chile 6 ,, Ecuador .... 11 „ Argentine .. 4 „ Guiana .... 2 „ Mexico .... 4 „ Bolivia .... 1 „ Nicaragua . . 1 „ Cuba 2 „ Florida .... 1 „ Haiti 2 „ Bermuda.... 1 „ Jamaica .... 2 „ Porto Rico.. 2 „ Dominica . . 1 „ St. Vincent.. 1 „ Martinique . . 1 „ St. Thomas 2 „ Guadeloupe.. 1 „ Paraguay.... 3 „ Trinidad.... 1 „ V. olivacea, Stearns, is reported from California, but it does not appear to be native there. V. marianita, Cousin, lately described from Ecuador, is apparently identical with V. solea, d'Orb. (2) Ethiopian Region. Natal I species. Madagascar. . 5 species l. Delagoa Bay . 1 ,, Comoro Is. . . 3 „ Mozambique. 1 ,, Mauritius . . 4 ,, Zanzibar .... 1 ,, Bourbon .... 1 ,, Liberia .... 1 ,, Rodriguez . . 1 ,, Gold Coast . . 1 „ Seychelles . . 5 „ Princes I. .. 1 „ (3) Oriental Region. India 2 species. Ceylon .... 4 species. Burmah .... 1 „ Sumatra .... 4 ,, Siam 2 ,, Philippines.. 3 „ Cochin China. 2 ,, Nias 1 ,, Camboja.... 1 ,, Borneo 4 „ China 8 ,, Java 12 „ Malacca .... 2 „ Celebes .... 1 „ Saleyer Is. .. 1 „ Flores 1 „ Moluccas..,. 3 „ Amboina.... 1 „ 1 In Madagascar we get a subgenus Imerinia (subg. nov.), which has the sole very narrow, not projecting posteriorly ; mantle above and below thickly im-pressed- punctate, and above with scattered raised warts ; $ orifice postmedian, not very near to sole; median dorsal line slightly impressed; anterior right edge of mantle sometimes tufted with red-brown bristles. This subgenus is founded on some specimens from Imerina in the British Museum, which will be described more fully elsewhere. |