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Show 132 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS FROM TARAPACA. [Feb. 3, the present collection which were not in Mr. Rahmer's series, one which is apparently new to science. It appears from Mr. Lane's letters that he made two excursions from San Pablo, a station on the Nitrates' Railway, into the Cordilleras of Tarapadi, one in January 1890 and the other in March and April. The principal localities visited were Pica (alt. 4000 ft.), Lake Huasco (alt. 12,000), and Sacaya (alt. 10,000), all marked in the map attacbed to my paper on the previous collection from the same district, which I now exhibit (see p. 131). The only additional information given concerning the Avifauna of Tarapaca since the publication of my previous communication on this subject is contained in the short paper on the birds of the Desert of Atacama and the Province of Tarapaca by Dr. R. A. Philippi, published in 'Ornis' for 1888 ('Ornis,' vol. iv. p. 155). In this paper Dr. Philippi gives a nominal list of 80 species of birds collected during a scientific expedition sent by the Chilian Government into the provinces of Antofagasta and Tarapaca in 1884. The leader of the expedition was Prof. Friedrich Pbilippi, and the collector was Carl Rahmer, who subsequently procured for Mr. James the birds from Tarapaca which I described in my previous paper. Dr. Philippi gives 80 species in his list; but it embraces many species of Antofagasta and the coast, and does not materially add to our knowledge of the avifauna of Tarapaca. On the whole we may say that this new portion of the Chilian Republic has brought a considerable admixture of Bolivian and Peruvian species into the Chilian Avifauna, as is shown by the occurrence in it of such species as the following, which are mentioned in this or in my preceding paper, but which were previously unknown to the list of Chilian birds :- 1. Turdus chiguanco. 11. Cinclodes bifasciatus. 2. Atticora cinerea. 12. Colaptes rupicola. 3. Conirostrum cinereum. 13. Bolborhynchus orbignesius. 4. Phrygilus atriceps. 14. Pboenieopterus jamesi. 5. Phrygilus coracinus. 15. Querquedula puna. 6. Xenospingus concolor. 16. Chamrepelia cruziana. 7. Chrysomitris atrata. 17. Fulica gigantea. 8. Centrites oreas. 18. Eecurvirostra andina. 9. Geositta frobeni. 19. Tinamotis pentlaudi. 10. TJpucerthia jehkii. 20. Ehea darwini. Of these it should be mentioned Phrygilus coracinus, Phcenico-pterus jamesi, and Recurvirostra andina have not yet, so far as am aware, been met with outside of Tarapaca and the adjoining new provinces of Chili, but will almost certainly be found to occur also in the neighbouring districts of Bolivia. 1. ATTICORA CINEREA (Gm.). Atticora cinerea, Sharpe, Cat. B. x. p. 184. Sacaya. This is an addition to the list of Tarapacan birds. Examples of it were obtained by Whitely ?t several localities in the province of Arequipa, Peru. |