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Show LIST OF CONTENTS. PART II.-1891. March 3, 1891. Page The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie, February 1891 179 Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Macgregor's Paradise-bird (Cnemophilusmacgregori) 179 Mr. Arthur Thomson. Report on the Insect-house for 1890 179 1. On a Collection of small Mammals made by Mr. F. J. Jackson in Eastern Africa. By OLDFIELD THOMAS. (Plate XV.) 181 2. Descriptions of New Butterflies collected by Mr. F. J. Jackson, F.Z.S., in British Africa, during his recent Expedition.-Part I. By EMILY M A R Y SHARPE. (Plates XVI. & XVII.) 187 3. On the Comparative Osteology of the United States Columbidcs. By R. W. SHUFELDT, C.M.Z.S 194 March 17, 1891. Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, two specimens of tbe Horns of an Antelope from Somali-land l97 Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of skins of the Ounce (Felis uncia), and remarks upon its geographical distribution j 0,7 1. Note on some Dermal Plates of Homosteus from the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness By A. SMITH W O O D W A R D , F.Z.S., of the British Museum (Natural History) 198 2. On Simony's Lizard, Lacerta simonyi. By G. A. BOULENGER, F.Z.S. (Plates XVIII. & XIX.) . „ 201 Contents continued on page 3 of Wrapper. |