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Show 1891] MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS FROM ADEN. 413 93. DOLIUM PERDIX (Linn.). Hab. W. Indies, W . Africa, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The single specimen from Aden, about an inch in length, has very fine spiral ribs, and is rather thick and strong for its size. 94. TRITON RANZANII, Bianconi. Triton ranzanii, Bianconi, Rendiconti Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1849-50, p. 43 ; id. Mem. Accad. 1851, vol. iii. p. 17, pi. 3. ff. 1, 2 Kobelt, Conch.-Cab. ed. 2, p. 273. Triton tigrinus (part.), Tryon, Man. Conch, vol. iii. p. 18, pi. f. 71 (copy of Bianconi). Hab. Mozambique (Bianconi); Aden (Baynham). This appears to be a rare species, and has not been recorded since its original discovery by Bianconi. It is quite distinct from T. tigrinus, with which Tryon associated it, 95. TRITON PILEARIS (Linn.). Hab. Red Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans, West Indies. 96. TRITON CHLOROSTOMA, Lamarck. Hab. Indian Ocean, Philippines. 97. TRITON LABIOSUS, Wood. Hab. Indian Ocean, Philippines, Queensland. 98. TRITON TRILINEATUS, Reeve. Hab. Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Philippines. This is probably merely a variety of T. gallinago. 99. TRITON VESPACEUS, Lamarck. Hab. Indian Ocean, W . Australia. 100. TRITON CINGULATUS, Lamarck. Hab. Swatow, China (Brit. Mus.) : Philippines, Gulf of Suez. 101. RANELLA SPINOSA, Lamarck. Hab. Red Sea, Mauritius, Ceylon, &c.; Aden (Caramagna). 102. RANELLA GRANIFERA, Lamarck. Hab. Aden (Jousseaume), Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Sir C. Hardy's Island. 103. PIRULA FICUS (Linn.). Hab. Indian Ocean. A small specimen from Aden is almost entirely white, only a few very pale yellowish spots, indicating the position of the transverse pale zones, being noticeable. 104. NATICA PULICARIS, Philippi. Hab. Tuticorin, S. India (Brit. Mus.); Mergui (Martens). The locality of this species has not been recorded in any of the PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1891, No. XXVIII. 28 |