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Show 1891.] MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS FROM TARAPACA. 137 41. .ZEGIALITIS OCCIDENTALIS, Cab. Both these Plovers were included in Herr Rahmer's series. Examples were obtained near Sacaya. 42. ATTAGIS GAYI, Less. A single example of this bird obtained " three leagues south-west of Sacaya." The species is not in the former list. 43. T H I N O C O R U S RUMICIVORUS, Eschsch. One example from La Noria (2. 6. 90). This species is not in the former list. 44. T H I N O C O R U S ORBIGNYANUS, Less. Sacaya, Lake Huasco, and Canchosa. See P. Z. S. 1886, p. 403. 45. RECURVIROSTRA ANDINA, Ph. et Landb. Sacaya and Lake of Huasco. 46. TRINGA MACULATA, Vieill. 47. T R I N G A BAIRDI, Cbues. 48. TOTANUS FLAVIPES. 49. GALLINAGO P A R A G U A Y (Vieill.). Examples of these four Waders from Sacaya. The last was not in the former list. 50. L A R U S SERRANUS, Tsch. Sacaya and Lake of Huasco. 51. PODICEPS CALIPARJJUS, Less. Podiceps caliparceus, Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 204 ; Philippi, Ornis, 1888, p. 160. A specimen of this Grebe in immature or winter dress from the Lake of Huasco. Dr. Philippi has recorded its occurrence at Antofagasta. 52. TINAMOTIS PENTLANDT, Vig. Sacaya and Canchosa. 53. R H E A DARWINI, Gould. Rhea darwini, Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 219 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 413 ; Philippi, Ornis, 1888, p. 159. Mr. Lane's first box contained two young specimens and portions of an adult of this Rhea. The second box contained an adult male from Canchosa, obtained February 4, 1890. |