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Show 1891.] MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS FROM TARAPACA. 135 17. LEPTASTHENURA ^EGITHALOIDES (Kittl.). Leptasthenura cegithaloides, Scl. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 398 ; id. Cat. B. xv. p. 35. Sacaya. 18. SIPTORNIS M O D E S T A (Eyton). Siptornis modesta, Scl. Cat. A. B. xv. p. 66. Sacaya. This is a well-known Chilian and Argentine species, but new to the avifauna of Tarapaca. 19. COLAPTES RUPICOLA, d'Orb. et Lafr. Colaptes rupicola, Harg. Cat. B. xviii. p. 26. Yrpa, near Qzilugo, 11.4. 90. A single female, which shows no traces of crimson on the nape, and therefore, I suppose, belongs to C. rupicola, and not to C. puna (Harg. op. cit. p. 27), if these two species are really different. 20. BOLBORHYNCHUS ORBIGNESIUS (Bp.). Bolborhynchus orbignesius, Scl. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 399. Sacaya. 21. B U B O VIRGINIANUS (Gm.). Bubo virginianus, Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 50. Vilugo. 22. SPEOTYTO CUNTCULARIA. Speotyto cunicularia, Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 52. Canchosa and Sacaya. These two Owls are not included in my former list, but are both widely distributed over America. 23. B U T E O ERYTHRONOTUS (King). Buteo erythronotus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 399. Sacaya and Canchosa. 24. F A L C O FUSCO-CVERULESCENS, Vieill. Falco fusco-ccerulescens, Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. ii. p. 69. Vilugo. New to this district, but of wide distribution in South America. 25. MILVAGO MEGALOPTERUS (Meyen). Milvago megalopterus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 399. Sacaya. 26. A R D E A EGRETTA (Gm.). 27. ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA, Gm. |