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Show 444 SHELLS FROM THE 'CHALLENGER' EXPEDITION. [June 16, 26. LIMA MURRAYI. (Plate XXXV. fig. 26.) Testa tenuissima, oblonga, obliqua, haud hians, liris tenuissimis numerosis radiantibus, lineisque incrementi minutis (hie illic paucis majoribus) instructa ; latus posticum obliquum fere recti-lineare, anticum superne leviter incurvatum, deinde prominens, excurvatum, inferne oblique recedens ; margo dorsi brevis, ven-tris regulariter curvatus ; area clorsali parva, plana, fossa liga-mentali magna profunda sculpta ; apices valvarum peculiares, gibbosi, parvi; pagina interna subnitida, radiatim subsulcata, ad marginem crenulata, lira tenui ah apice usque ad partem prominentem lateris antici extendente instructa. Longit. 8 millim., alt. 12, diam. 6. This species is remarkable for its thinness of texture, the peculiar bulging form of the anterior side, more marked than in L. loscombii, and the fine radiating lirse. Between these there are still finer hairlike threads, which being crossed by the lines of growth are more or less minutely granular. The hinge-line is short, thin, and concave in the centre at the ligamental depression. On each side at the top of the lateral margins there are two or three short oblique lirae or pseudo-teeth. The margin of the valves is distinctly dentate within, as in most species of Pecten. I have named this after Dr. John Murray, the learned and energetic editor of the ' Challenger ' Reports. 27. LIMA AUSTRALIS. (Plate XXXV. fig. 27.) Testa parva, altior quam longa, ovata, superne truncata, cequilate-ralis, mediocriter convexa, alba, costis tenuibus radiantibus (circiter 20), pulcherrime squamo-nodosis, instructa, lineis incrementi in interstiliis conspicuis subcancellata; area ligamenti angusta, plana, fossa triangulari in utraque valva insculpta ; linea cardinis subvalida, transversim confertim sulcata et lirata ; pagina interna alba, radiatim sulcata, ad marginem latum dentata. Longit. 4 millim., alt. 5, diam. 3. This is a larger species than L. pectinata, H . Adams, from the Gulf of Suez, and has more slender and differently sculptured ribs ; these are considerably narrower than the interstices. Both these species have the hinge-line m u c h thicker than in the European L. sarsii, and the transverse toothing more distinct. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXIV. Fig. 1. Lampusia (Priene) murrayi, p. 436. 2. Coralliophila wahlbergi, p. 436. 3. Turritella incolor, p. 437. 4, 4 a. Capulus compressus, p. 437. 5. Trochus (Bembix) abyssorum, p. 438. 6. Cuspidaria (Myonera) lischkei, p. 438. 7. Pleurotoma (Brillia) challengeri, p. 438. 8. ( ) crossei, p. 439. 9. ( ) hoylei, p. 439. 10. ( ) watsoni, p. 439. |