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Show 1891.] ON NEUROPTERA-ODONATA (DRAGONFL1ES). 203 3. On some Neuroptera Odonata (Dragonflies) collected hy Mr. E. E. Green in Ceylon. By W . F. KJRBY, F.L.S., F.E.S., Assistant in Zoological Department, British Museum (Natural History), S. Kensington. [Received March 17, 1891.] (Plate XX.) Among the insects from Ceylon which Mr. E. E. Green has lately presented to the British Museum are a few Dragonflies, representing 16 species, 3 of which appear to be new, while one or two of the others have not previously been recorded from the island. As they are nearly all carefully marked with dates and localities, I think it will be useful to enumerate them, though the small number of species represented renders it impossible to attempt any generalizations. LIBELLULID^E. JJIBELLULINJE. RHYOTHEMIS, Hag. 1. RHYOTHEMIS MARCIA. Libelhda marcia, Drury, 111. Ex. Ent. ii. pi. xiv. f. 3 (17/3). A common East-Indian species. TRITHEMIS, Brauer. 2. TRITHEMIS TRIVIALIS. Libellula trivialis, Ramb. Ins. Nevr. p. 115 (1842). Kandy (Aug. 1888). Occurs in India and Ceylon. 3. TRITHEMIS YERBURII. Trithemis yerburii, Kirb. Cat. Neur. Odon. p. 18. n. 5 (1890). Pundaloya (April 1889). In the British Museum from India, Ceylon, and Borneo. De Selys considers this species to be the true T. aurora, Burm. ORTHETRUM, Newm. 4. ORTHETRUM PRUINOSUM. Libellula pruinosa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. p. 858. n. 63 (1839). Pundaloya (Sept. and Oct. 1888). A common species in the East Indies. A specimen taken in January 1889 may be a variety of the female of this species, or may belong to O. carnaticum; it is tawny yellow, with two broad reddish-brown stripes on the sides of the thorax, the uppermost intersected by a black line close to its upper edge. |