OCR Text |
Show 380 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [June 16, 106. $. 107-110. 2 &yg. 111-114. 6 2- 115-116. Yg. 117-123. 6, 2,& yg. 124-125. 6 & hgr. 126. Larva. 127-128. 6 2- 129. Hgr. 130. 2- 131. 6- 132. 2. 113334.- 1Y3g5.. 136-138. 139. 2- 140-141. 142-145. 146. Yg. 147-152. 62- 62- 2. Yg. c?2. 153-154. <J2. 155. 2. 156. 2- 157-158. 6- 159. 2- 160-161. 6 2- 162. 6- 163. 2- 164-165. 2 & hgr. Asia. Kirghiz Steppes. Tschinas, Turkestan. Ielenowka, Lake Goktsha. Nukus, Amu Daria. Guermab, S.W. of Ashkabad. Turbat, Afghanistan. Between Quetta and Nushki. Near Sarawan, Baluchistan. Bussorah. Shiraz. Fao, head of Persian Gulf. Mesopotamia. Guezama. Dagestan, Caucasus. Elizabethpol. Lenkoran. Suchum Kali, Transcaucasia. Lake Abran, near Suchum Kale. Albistan. Fener-bahtchi, Asiatic shore of the Sea of Marmora. Smyrna. Cyprus. Sea of Galilee. Plains of Phoenicia. Meroni. Dead Sea. Jericho. Damascus. Sinaitic Peninsula. Moscow University [E.]. St. Petersburg Mus. [E." St. Petersburg Mus. [E. St. Petersburg Mus. [E. Warsaw Mus. [E.]. Dr. Aitchison [C."|. Dr. Aitchison [C.j. G. E. Mason, Esq. [P.]. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [CV D. Cumming, Esq. [P.]. Euphrates Expedition. W. C. Trevelyan, Esq [P.]. Moscow University [E.J. St. Petersburg Mus. [E.] St. Petersburg Mus. [E.]. St. Petersburg Mus. [E.] St. Petersburg Mus. [E.] C. G. Danford, Esq. [P.]. Dr. Dickson [P.]. Lord Lilford [P.]. Canon Tristram [C.]. Canon Tristram [C.]. Canon Tristram [0.]. Canon Tristram [C.]. Dr. J. Anderson [P.]. Dr. J. Anderson [P.], H. C. Hart, Esq. [P.]. 166-167. 2- 168. Yg. 169-178. 6, 2,& yg. 179-182. 6 & yg- 183-185. 2- 186-189. Larvae. 190-194. 2- 195-196. Yg. 197-203. 6*2. 204-207. 6, ?,& yg- Africa. Tunis. Susa, Tunisia. Constantine. Hamman Eirha, Algeria. Biskra. Algeria. Tangier. Casablanca, Morocco. Madeira. Azores (introduced). Mr. Fraser [C.]. Mr. Fraser [C.]. P. L. Sclater, Esq. [P.]. Dr. J. Anderson [P.]. Dr. J. Anderson [P.]. M. Heron Boyer [E.]. M. H. Gaucher [C.]. Senckenberg Mus. [E.]. Prof. Lutken [P.]. F. D. Godman, Esq. [P.]. 2. Forma TYPICA. Inner metatarsal tubercle strong, compressed, prominent, its length 2 to 3 times in the length of the inner toe measured from the tubercle, and 7 to 10 times in the length of the tibia; when the limbs are folded at right angles to the body, the extremities of the tibiae meet or remain narrowly separated ; tibia shorter than the foot measured from the outer metatarsal tubercle. Skin smooth or with small warts ; glandular lateral fold very prominent, as broad as or narrower than the upper eyelid. Bright green, brown, or blue |