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Show 26 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. GODWIN-AUSTEN ON [JAN. 6, XESTA DECRESPIGNYI. Nanina (Xesta) decrespignyi, Higgins, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 179, pi. xiv. fig. 4; Issel, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vi. p. 392, t. v. figs. 13-15 (1874). Hab. Trusan (A. Everett). The animal has exactly the same form of shell-lobes as in X. glutinosa above described. Nov. var. pallida fasciata. In Dr. Hungerford's collection there is one specimen which in every respect resembles this shell except in coloration, this being of the pale yellowish tint of X. glutinosa, and like that shell having a single thin dark band on the periphery, a similar variation to that met with in X. glutinosa, only in an opposite direction. Xesta (?) brotii. Helix brotii, Bonnet, Rev. Zool. 1864, p. 67, pi. v. fig. 1 ; Pfeiff. Monogr. Helic. v. p. 460 (1868) ; v. Martens, Preuss. Exped. Ost-Asien, Landschneck. p. 397 (1867). HEMIPLECTA DENSA. Helix densa, Adams & Reeve, Zool. Voy. Samarang, Moll. p. 62, pi. xvi. fig. 8 (1850) ; Pfeiff. Monogr. Helic. iii. p. Ill (1853), et v. p. 180 (1868). Helix schumacheriana, Pfeiff. Zeilschr. f. Malak. 1850, p. 70; id. Monogr. Helic. iv. p. 110 (1859); Metcalfe, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 70; Reeve, Conch. Icon. pi. lxxiii. fig. 379 (1852). Nanina corrosa, Mousson, Journ. d. Conch, vi. p. 156 (1857). Helix corrosa, Pfeiff. Monogr. Helic. iv. p. 348 (1859). Nanina herklotsiana, Dohrn, Malak. Blatt. vi. p. 206 (1859). Nanina atrofusca, Albers, Helic. ed. ii. p. 53 (1860). Hemiplecta schumacheriana, Wall. P. Z. S. 1865, p. 406. Nanina densa, v. Martens, Preuss. Exped. Ost-Asien, Landschneck. p. 230, t. x. fig. 1 (1867). Animal:-The extremity of the foot is rather square, the mucous gland large, not extending to the sole of the foot, and with apparently no overhanging lobe. The right dorsal lobe is of usual size, but the left is very poorly developed, being very narrow and separated into two parts, the posterior portion being narrow and only 6 millim. long ; in the space between them lies a small left shell-lobe, flat and tongue-shaped ; a right shell-lobe is also present, which would appear in life to be broad and triangular in outline. The odontophore is like that of H. humphreysiana from Singapur, the type of the genus Hemiplecta. Jaw circular, no central projection. The shells had been taken evidently in the cold season, and the generative organs were not fully developed in the specimens I dissected, but enough was seen to show the presence of a long simple amatorial organ, and the male organ also as in Hemiplecta. |