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Show 1891.] LAND-SHELLS FROM BORNEO. 43 HELIX (JEGISTA) PUDICA, n. sp. (Plate II. figs. 7, 7 a.) Shell depressedly conoid, subangulately keeled, narrowly umbili-cated, hidden by the columellar reflection; sculpture, a slightly roughened or shagreen-like surface; colour pale ochraceous, with a snowy-white peristome; spire flatly conoid, low; apex rounded ; suture shallow; whorls 4, sides flat, a shallow depression near the periphery ; aperture semi-lunate; peristome reflected on outer margin and thickening towards the columellar margin, which is oblique. Size: maj. diam. 20*0, min. 15*8 ; alt. axis 7*75 millim. Hab. Labuan (Sir H. Low, in coll. Dr. Hungerford). HELIX (^EGISTA) GRUMULUS, n. sp. (Plate V. fig. 2.) Shell depressedly conoid, keeled, widely umbilicated ; sculpture, a rough epidermis covered with small spots in relief; the periphery set with regular, short, thick-based hairs; colour och raceous ; spire flatly pyramidal; side slightly convex ; apex rounded ; suture shallow ; whorls 5, sides flatly convex; aperture semi-lunate; peristome slightly reflected ; columellar margin subvertical. Size : maj. diam. 8*5, min. 7*8 ; alt. axis 3*5 millim. Hab. Borneo (in spirit), exact locality unknown (A. Everett). This is the nearest approach to the Helix huttoni group of India that I have seen from this island; the odontophore is like that of Helix : the mantle-margin is simple. Helix (Plectotropis) winteriana. Helix winteriana, Pfeiff. Symb. ad Hist. Helic. ii. p. 41 (1842); Issel, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vi. p. 407 (1874). Hab. On west coast at Mampawa and Benkajang. HELIX (CHLORITIS) QUADRIVOLVIS. 1 Helix unguiculastra,v. Martens, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1864, p. 524. Helix cpiadrivolvis, v. Martens, Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1865, p. 53, =flexuosa, Pfeiff. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 112. Hab. West coast Borneo, Mandhor. Many examples from cave-earth (Everett). HELIX (CHLORITIS) MEANDER, n. sp. (Plate II. figs. 2, 2a.) Shell dextral, discoid, inflated, deeply and openly umbilicated; side of umbilication subangular; sculpture of a rough papery texture ; colour dull umber-brown, with a broad white band following the suture, peristome pinkish ; spire low; apex flat, slightly ascending above the body-whorl; suture rather shallow ; whorls 4, rounded on the periphery ; aperture widely ovate, perpendicular ; peristome reflected, slightly sinuate below; columellar margin sub-vertical. Size: maj. diam. 16*2, min. 13*0; alt. axis 6*0 millim. Hab. Mulu Mountains (Boxall, in coll. Dr. Hungerford). This is allied to H. quadrivolvis, v. Martens, which has a narrow |