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Show 538 LORD WALSINGHAM ON THE [Nov. 17, ANYBIA CURVIPUNCTELLA, sp. n. [Antennae wanting.] Palpi recurved to base of antennae, apical joint as long as the second; purplish fuscous. Head purplish fuscous; face shining pale cinereous. Thorax purplish fuscous. Fore wings purplish fuscous, with a semicircular pale ochreous spot on the outer third of the fold, which runs through the middle of it, its concavity being towards the base ; two minute very pale ochreous spots-one costal, the other dorsal-opposite to each other at about one fifth from the apex ; cilia purplish fuscous at the apex, pale cinereous on the dorsal margin below it. Hind wings very narrow ; pale greyish ; cilia pale cinereous with a faint ochreous tinge. Abdomen greyish cinereous. Legs purplish fuscous externally, very pale ochreous internally ; posterior tibiae fringed above with very pale ochreous hairs ; a pale ochreous spot at the base of the spurs and some pale ochreous spots on the posterior tarsal joints. Exp. al. 8 millim. Hab. West Indies-St. Vincent (windward side, 1 specimen, Smith). Type, 2- A much smaller species than conspersa, and at once distinguished by the pale ochreous spot on the fold. BATRACHEDRIN^. BATRACHEDRA, Stn. BATRACHEDRA ALBISTRIGELLA, Mschl. Batrachedra albistrigella, Mschl. Ab. Senck. Nat. Ges. pp. 345, 354 (1890). West Indies-Portorico (Mschl.). ZARATHRA, Wkr. ZARATHRA INSULELLA, sp. n. Antenna? half as long again as the fore wings ; basal joint very slightly enlarged ; pale yellowish. Maxillary palpi slightly folded. Labial palpi very long, recurved, slender, acuminate; apical joint slightly longer than the second ; white. Head thickly clothed with appressed scales, projecting in front at the sides of the face ; shining whitish with an aureous tinge. Thorax pale yellowish. Fore wings shining pale straw-colour, with an aureous streak extending from the base along the middle and spreading over the costal margin beyond the middle of the wing, and crossing the fold towards the dorsal margin in two diffused spots, the first near the base, the other about the middle ; immediately before the apex is a |