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Show 1891.] (DRAGONFLIES) F R O M C E Y L O N . 205 oreadth, covering one or two cells ; some of the apical cells beyond divided; nodal sector broken through the greater part of its length, rising from the vein descending from the nodus ; subnodal entire, rising separately a little before the other; 21-26 postcubital nervures ; sectors of the arculus rising from a short stalk ; sometimes two basal postcostal nervures close together instead of one, in one or other of the wings. Head bronzy black; rhinarium, labrum, and base of mandibles white. Prothorax bronzy black above, shading into bronzy green at the extremity; under surface testaceous, with an oblique white or very pale green stripe on the sides; the extremity beneath and on the lower border of the same colour. Legs, except the tibiae and tarsi, which are black, some spots between the wings above, and the base and under surface of the abdomen rufous ; the greater part of the three terminal segments of the abdomen with a pale mark above, which is probably blue during life. Upper appendages more than twice as long as the 10th segment, obtuse, and crossing inwards and downwards, with a strong tooth on the inner side near the base. Lower appendages about half as long, slender, the tips turned inwards at a right angle. Belongs to the group of P. hilaris, Selys, but is apparently more like P. maculata, Selys, in general appearance, to judge from the description of that species. Pundaloya (Aug. 1889). DISPARONEURA, Selys. 10. DISPARONEURA CESIA. Alloneura ccesia, Selys, Bull. Acad. Belg. (2) x. p. 460 (1860). Pundaloya (Aug. 1889). MICRONYMPHA, Kirb. 11. MICRONYMPHA AURORA. Agrion (Lschnura) aurora, Brauer, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xv. p. 510(1865). Taken at Pundaloya. A widely-distributed East-Indian and Australian species. ARCHIBASIS, Kirb. 12. A R C H I B A S I S C E Y L O N I C A , sp. n. (Plate X X . fig. 4.) Exp. al. 50 millim. Head rufo-testaceous, paler beneath.- Thorax tawny above, inclining to greenish on the sides ; beneath pale testaceous, as well as the legs ; the short spines, and a stripe on the femora above, black. Abdomen with the first two segments, the sides and under surface dull greenish brown ; second segment with a bronzy black stripe on the median line, expanded at the lower extremity, where there is a groove in the middle, but not quite reaching the end of the segment, which is marked with a narrow black transverse stripe. |