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Show 1891.] MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA OF THE WEST INDIES. 535 dots beyond the end of the cell, and a slight angulated fuscous shade before the apex running parallel to the margin of the wing (in some specimens these markings are almost obsolete); cilia cinereous. Hind ivings greyish ; cilia cinereous. Abdomen cinereous, faintly banded with a deeper shade. Legs: hind tibiae fuscous, externally clothed above with pale cinereous hairs ; spurs and tarsal joints pale cinereous. Exp. al. 10-12 millim. Hab. West Indies-St. Vincent (Kingstown, 2 specimens ; windward side, 6 specimens, Smith). Type, tf '? • . In markings this species is scarcely distinguishable from a small specimen of Blastobasis phycidella, Z., but the absence of an an-tennal notch and the neuration of the hind wings at once distinguish it. It is the only form allied to Blastobasis that I have yet met with in which veins 3 and 4 of the hind wings proceed from a stalk out of 3 instead of coming direct from the edge of the cell; the whole group is an exceedingly difficult one, and the multiplication of genera founded on good structural differences, however slight, can only facilitate their future classification, especially as the species are at least as difficult to separate by pattern and markings as are the genera. HELIODININJZ. HELIODINES, Stn. HELIODINES MARGINATA, sp. u. Antenna? simple, as long as the fore wings ; sooty brown. Palpi short, slender, dependent; sooty brown. Head and thorax sooty brown; underside of the thorax with a conspicuous orange yellow spot on each side. Fore wings shining orange-yellow, very narrowly margined throughout with sooty brown, which is diffused over the extreme apex ; a single lilac shining metallic spot lies on the costal margin near the base ; there are two slender, but by no means conspicuous, streaklets of the same colour-one along "the base of the cilia about the region of the anal angle, the other much shorter, above and parallel to it, forming a short tooth-like projection inwards from the middle of the suffused dark apical portion of the wing ; cilia sooty brown. Underside unicolorous greyish brown. Hind wings deep brown ; cilia sooty brown. Underside unicolorous greyish brown. Abdomen and legs sooty brown. Exp. al. 8 millim. Hab. West Indies-St. Vincent (windward side, 1 specimen, Smith). Type, 3. |