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Show 314 COL. BEDDOME ON LAND-SHELLS FBOM INDIA. [May 5, whorls 6, convex, gradually increasing, all the whorls plicated, the plications on the last not reaching the periphery, the upper surface of the last whorl sometimes furnished with two thin, whitish, concentric lines, one near the periphery, the other near the suture, sometimes very indistinct or altogether absent; periphery bluntly angled, with sometimes a second less prominent ridge below it; aperture nearly vertical, lunate. Diameter § inch, height T 5-g- inch. Hab. Near the summit of the Peringunda Hill, on the Coimbatore side of the Anamallays, at about 5000 feet elevation, in moist woods. Nearly allied to the Khasyan M. plicifera, Blanford, but a smaller shell, less plicated, and with a shining epidermis. Type in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. T R O C H O M O R P H A SUBNIGRITELLA, sp. nov. (Plate XXIX. figs. 4, 5, 6.) Shell moderately umbilicate, depressedly turbinate, quite rounded at the apex ; whorls 6, very gradually increasing, faintly striated, the last sharply angled at the periphery, nearly flat on the underside; aperture oblique, subquadrate ; peristome simple, the margins distant; colour a rich dark brown, shining below. Diameter \ inch, height ^g- inch. Hab. Andaman Islands (Dr. Hungerford). This species recalls the Pacific forms of the genus rather than the Indian ones, its nearest ally being T. nigritella, which, however, is a larger shell with the last whorl much broader. Type in the Natural History Museum. H E L I X COLLETTI, sp. nov. (Plate X X I X . figs. 7, 8, 9.) Shell openly umbilicate, orbiculato-depressed, rather thin ; spire nearly flat; whorls 5, the last obsoletely angulate at the periphery, not descending, very prominently and coarsely striated obliquely ; colour light fawn, with a dark band at the periphery ; aperture somewhat oblique, lunately suborbicular ; peristome simple, very slightly reflexed, margins not joined. Diameter f inch, height § inch, width of umbilicus 5 mill. Hab. The Shan States, Upper Burma. Examples of this species were collected for Dr. Hungerford by Mr. Boxall, who accompanied Col. Collett's expedition. It belongs to the section Planispira, Beck, being allied to H. fallaciosa, the sculpture is very similar to that of H. gobanzi. Type in the Natural History Museum. H E L I X SHANICA, sp. nov. (Plate X X I X . figs. 10, 11, 12.) Shell narrowly umbilicate, depressedly turbinate, rather solid; whorls 5, gradually increasing, rather convex, the last subangulate at the periphery, slightly descending towards the mouth, all furnished with a fine oblique striation, more prominent on the last whorl; colour a light fawn, darker at the apex of the shell and near the mouth, a narrow dark band just above the periphery ; aperture oblique, rotundately lunar; peristome slightly reflexed, dark fawn-coloured, the margins distinct. Diameter T^inch, height f inch. Hab. The Shan States, Upper Burma. |