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Show 1891.] BUTTERFLIES FROM EASTERN AFRICA. 193 Exp. 2 inches. Hab. Kikuyu, Sept. 18S9. 9. ACRCEA MELANOXANTHA, sp. n. (Plate XVII. fig. 4.) Black and yellow as in A. circeis, which it somewhat resembles, especially on the underside ; it is, however, much smaller, and has fewer transparencies on the fore wing. Fore wing black, with a double row of spots; two are twin-spots, one being at the posterior end of the cell, and the other adjoining it at the base of the disk, between the first and second median nervules. These two spots are irregularly oblong in shape and of a vellow colour. A second row of subapical spots consists of three, also irregularly oblong in shape, but transparent white ; these are situated in juxtaposition, below the fifth subcostal and second radial nervules. Hind wing blackish, with a patch of yellow, irregular in shape, occupying the middle of the wing. The basal area of the wing is black, extending in a black band along the costal margin, which joins the broad black border of the hind margin. The yellow colour of the hind wing reaches to the inner margin about its centre ; the black nervules are indicated plainly as they cross the yellow area, and two black spots are also visible on the yellow of the upper margin of the discoidal cell. Underside. Fore wing ashy brown for the basal two thirds, the white spot of the upperside indicated below, with a dusky spot at the base of the fifth subcostal nervule ; apical area and hind margin of the wing coppery bronze, each interspace with a black mesial line, the nervules also marked out in black ; the hind margin fringed with black. Hind wing. Basal area ochreous yellow, deeper near the base, all this pale area numerously dotted with black spots, clustering nearer to the base and on the inner margin ; hind margin with a broad band of coppery bronze, with the same mesial line of black and the black lines of the nervules also strongly indicated ; the hinder margin fringed with black. Exp. 2 inches. Hab. Mount Elgon, Feb. 1890. 10. AcRiEA OREAS, sp. n. (Plate XVII. fig. 5.) Resembling A. melanoxantha on the upper surface, with two rows of triple white spots, the subapical ones, however, not being transparent. The hind wing is further different in the yellow central patch being entirely shut in by black. The under surface, however, is totally different from that of A. melanoxantha and is more in the style of A. cabira. Fore wing. Upper surface black, with two rows of oblong white spots: one row about the middle of the wing consisting of three dissociated spots, one in the middle of the cell, a second below the base of the second median nervule, and the third near the hind margin below the first median nervule. The second row of white P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1891, No. XIII. 13 |